Which Launch Game Will Be Most Popular?


Sep 25, 2006
Super Mario Galaxy
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
Excite Truck
Wii Sports
Red Steel
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Other Wii game (please disclose)
Or super smash bros....

Or metroid Prime 3 i think?

And wii sports comes with the console, so that can't really be included.

And the answer is so obviously Zelda!
Out of the launch titles from your list discluding wiisports, i would have to sat Zelda closely folowed by Red steel!
Well I havent even played older Zelda games, wich means im not a Zelda fan and Im getting Zelda wierd huh?
Im sure I might get into the Zelda series once I get my hands on LOZ:TP
LukasJunior said:
i sey wii sports, cuz everyone hu will av a wii will av it:f
we know already :rolleyes:

Mecko said:
Well I havent even played older Zelda games, wich means im not a Zelda fan and Im getting Zelda wierd huh?
Im sure I might get into the Zelda series once I get my hands on LOZ:TP
OMG, u have to play wind waker or zelda ocarina of time atleast. anyway, u will love it, its a great game.
Yeah well I was thinking of playing Ocorina of Time if I like Twighlight Princess
Hopefully they put some of the better Zelda games on the VC
here, instead of talking about what regular game you want, how about we talk about which game we are going with for the vc first?

for me, im going zelda: ocarina of time

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