Which is better: SPM or Clasic PM?

spm: more fun but easy and short
pm: harder and longer but way more frustrating

end of story guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! that's the facts :scared:
I didn't even know there was a classic PM! Sweet! I'll have to check that out.
In my opinion, I should have never bought Super Paper Mario. The original Paper Mario's were MUCH better.
I'm gonna have to look into the classic ones. (Never played the wii one as I read too much about it that it was more of a platformer with rpg elements thrown in, and WAY too easy)
If it's supposed to be an RPG I want it to be in true RPG format. I just lack the current funds in my bank account to get the game, and working odd hours at the hospital eats my time.
I never played The original Paper Mario for the N64, but my friend has it so I'll have to borrow it.

But Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is my favorite game. I'm just in chapter 2-1 in Super Paper Mario, so I don't really have a great opinion on it, but it is fun so far.