Which games are you looking forward to?

PtonJalken said:
My List:

Metroid Prime 3
Godfather: Black Hand Edition
Disaster: Day of Crisis
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
Project H.A.M.M.E.R
Samurai Slash
Fire Emblem
Animal Crossing
Super Paper Mario

Final Fanatasy: CC2, Res Evil: UC, Manhunt2 (These 3 are iffy, need more videos first :p)

Heatseeker/Mario Galaxy also seem cool, but ill have to see more.

So many i want, so little $$ :D
I laugh at people who say the Wii doesnt have any good games coming out.

HA! * some fat sony fanboy sitting in a dark basement looks at calander: dec 7 07 * alright 27 games woot!! lol :D Wii got the most games. third party is ours this time around.
Super Paper Mario
Mario Strikers
Super Mario Galaxy
Metroid Prime 3
Mario Party 8
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Batallion Wars II
Resident Evil: UC
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Yeah, i went into JB Hifi today too look for Wii games, and was shocked to realise that all the wii stuff has been moved of the little shelf in the corner, to the big shelf in the middle. I was like, YES!! Theres so many of the new games i want, they all look good, i'm just waiting for a good racing game
i cant wait for linerider! its gonna rock, oh and i cant wait 2 buy super paper mario
project H.A.M.M.E.R
Manhunt 2
My sims
The bigs
super Paper MArio
Mario Strikers
Dewy's adventure
Bleach wii
Resident evil 5
Mario party 8
mortal combat
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