Which do you like better?


Youtube, or actual TV (with time warner my choice, I'll go with the former...).

YouTube. Most TV shows melt my brain.

Now. Here is....the ultimate question....

Pepsi or Coke? (COKECOKECOKECOKE....)
Cocaine. =D Oh wait, you meant not 70 years ago... (I've got an unopened bottle dating back to '23 ;D)

Still coke, but props for Pepsi MAX for being a good tasting diet soda.

Quiznos, or Subway?

Oh, and I've once heard about a coffee-coca cola product... Anyone care to prove or debunk?
I have said that but BK!!!:burgerking:

Scotch tape, or elmers school glue.
Um...pokemon i think. Not my strong point.

your bed , or a toilet....i still don't have an answer for this one........
I hate ranch. So french but caesar kicks both there asses.
Oops, edit: mosquitos are bearable

when that plastic part comes off the top of your shoe, or when your pants are too long and you keep stepping on them?
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I can't really answer this, due to my lack of experience.

Monopoly or Life?

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