Which do you like better?

Once again, who in their right mind would say cards? Cards are only cool because many of them have awesome artwork. Shinys too!

Goron or Zora? Goron for me.
Ocarina, I've never played MM, but only played Brawl's demo version of OoT.

The Most Interesting Man in the World or Old Spice?
None as they both are the same rubbish

Strider 2 or Strider Returns?
(Choose carefully)
lol^^^^ foolishness leads to stupidity you did not post a question young grasshopper

School or sleep (you know my choice;))
This... thing I'm touching to magically make letters.

Getting a game over on a great game or getting a good grade in school? (Take a guess for me. -_-)
I'm forget to post a question :Yawn:

Good grade in school, school is more important than games lol..

Adobe Photoshop or Paint.net?

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