which celebrity...

23 was good, IMO people who don't like it...

1. Don't get the plotline
2. Always think Jim Carrey will do funny movies

Just my take, All Ace Venturas are funny, Bruce almighty was a good film

I wish people will stop thinking that Jim Carrey can only do funny films and realise that he is a good actor
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he was awesome in the majestic! i forgot all about that film

nah i think of him as a regular actor, hes just "type casted"

23 sucked IMHO because i just hated the initial plot. it was interesting how he went to that girls place as she killed herself because how everything added to "23"

i think it just reminded me too much of the 9-11 consipracy how EVERYTIHNG adds to 9-11 or wtvr! thats why i really hated it i think
LOL, i was just ding a search and look what happend

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spicka said:
LOL, i was just ding a search and look what happend

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:yikes: i havent got that in months! when youre a mod they take away that. i used to get that message constantly lol

so back on track, which celebrity do you hate haha
This guy not only needs punching, But shooting also

ilikecookies said:
Dakota Fanning GRRR... I HATE HER!!

What about her makes you hate her? She's a great actress,not an ego-maniac and...oh yeah..she's only 13 years old. You must be a real pussy to want to punch such a young person, let alone a female.

On topic though, I would not like to only punch but also murder Dane Cook,I can't stand that worthless George Carlin wannabe.
i must fight in favor of Dakota fanning to... LOVE HER! and ya she is just too young to hate. Also i'm a big Ashton Kutcher fan.

You know who is terrible tho... lindsay lohan! :sick:
She needs to get her act together :/

And lol, she's been having dates with Calum Best, and she's trying to 'tame' him, but he's spent the night with two candidates for Miss Britain :lol:
ya i have to admit she isn't ugly or anything... i just find her really fake and... well just over all a disgrace
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i love to hate lindsay lohan. you dont hear about her being so worthless though as her other "peers" in hollywood. worst you hear is another DUI and rehab....big whoop. youre not famous till youve been in rehab anyways so this is her big time to shine. she wasnt always so stupid either. its all paris hiltons fault......NOTE TO SELF*** when i make it big one day, dont befriend paris or nicole!

i think those 2 girls are the blonde root of all evil.....ew