Wheres the surprise?

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those "reps" are not gonna say what the surprise is, the surprise comes as a surprise.

see? they don't have access to that..it's a surprise! for crying out loud! you people know what a surprise means? not even the reps know about it, they are not authorized..Reggie himself said it was true, so just wait for it.
hmm, but its already been said that the check mii out channel will be released, therefore defeating the purpose of a surprise. i'm sure a Nintendo rep is not entitled to release "surprise information" as childish as that sounds, in business things are kept very secretive for its own good and major success
Ok so if there is a surprise even if they dont no wat the surprise is they should at least no that there is a surprise. I mean they dont even no that.:wtf:
Yea i hope that isnt the surprise also...i've been lookin at every site i come across to see if i can find any info
Jay that's cool, and it basically sounds like the Wii will have a new better engine or something like that..
yeah, it sounded to me like a whole new friend mode maybe similiar to xbox or ps3, because they sure are mentioned in the article..but honestly i cant even put together a single sentence of that, it dont make a bit of sense!
Jay588 said:
but honestly i cant even put together a single sentence of that, it dont make a bit of sense!

LMAO i was saying the samething to myself when i was reading it
I didn't understand a thing... Something to do with ps3, 360 an wii...
maybe they will join up and combine a super system by the name of WiiS360 !!!

nah that cant be it..but from reading the jibberish in that article(kinda sounds like someone wrote it while on mushrooms), you dont know what to think
I just think since it was wrote in Japanese it doesnt sound right or read well in English, im sure if we were able to read Japanese it would make clearer sense to us....cuz i know when i translate italian to english its kind of mixed up also.
As I understand it (needless to say, English is not my first language, lol) they're talking about 360 and PS3 being popular with their games, and having been on some sort of event showing them off, while Nintendo didn't show any particular games off, but instead a weight meter? Something similar to Wii fitting? Perhaps it's a step-and-go (is that what it's called?) type of thing.
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