Where's the Metroid love?

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I can't even begin to fathom why people say they have played/beaten Metroid Prime 1 and 2, but don't really care about the new one. You people must be crazy in the brain. Those were two of the best action/adventure games EVER, not just for the GC. Of course you could get bored WATCHING someone play them, and of course if you aren't clever enough to solve the challenge that Metroid has ALWAYS brought to the player then you're gonna need a strategy guide.
Metroid has always been one of the MOST in-depth, challenging, mysterious, adventurous and rewarding game experiences in the world.
I say, stop crying phony tears about "no online", which has NEVER been what's great about the series, and stop nitpicking ridiculous things like "too much puzzles, not enough puzzles, too much/not enough action" and just find out for yourselves when it comes out.
You naysayers are gonna be crapping bricks when you realize what you're missing. MP 3 is gonna school EVERYTHING in the Wii library hands-down, except maybe Zelda: TP.
There's always gonna be apathetic cynicism on the net, but the Prime series deserves better than a bunch of "meh....." in my opinion.
It's gonna RULE! JUST ACCEPT IT!!! WAH-hahahahahahhhaha.......
LevesqueIsKing said:
^Halo and Metroid could not be more different.

Mind explaining your reasoning?
Well it might be just somethin I feel and there not like twins wath I mean is kind of the way its played for one both are ist person shoters both were some sort of suit both dont fight on earth Well minor details but there are few things alike
I think that its amazing that the same people who will complain " Nintendo dont love the hardcore gamer anymore" will be the ones who wont buy Metroid. It will be great. If its better than Echoes it will go into my top 5 of all time. It will certainly be better than anything on the Wii at the moment. (Although Im European so Ive never played Paper Mario.)
the first metroid was better than the second, the second became a little repetative cause you kept having to go into the dark counterpart of each land. so it got kinda annoying to me.

on the halo and metroid note, halos campaign is absolutley terrible, not even worth playing, and online is full of kids who take it to seriously. so halo is not even that great of a game no matter how you look at it.

and i for one. am very excited for MP3, and it definitly isnt getting any hype, because there really isnt much to talk about it. such as Brawl, is getting updates every weekday. idk and idc. MP3 is going to be an awesome game, and whoever doesnt get it is just missing out.
CantGetAWii said:
There have been many threads about this game, so trust there is a lot of love for it.

Aye. New threads every freakin week.
The love went down jusy like the oil in Iraq. lmao just kidding. But people still love the game. But there's a hype just not a big big one. But an average hype for a 1st party game....
I have seen so many threads where people say Halo sucks. If its so bad then why does it sell so much? I am looking forward to Metriod but I think people have to realize most gamers would rather play a shooter where there isnt a lot of backtracking and would rather have that in a game like Zelda or Fable.
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Rei said:
Well it might be just somethin I feel and there not like twins wath I mean is kind of the way its played for one both are ist person shoters both were some sort of suit both dont fight on earth Well minor details but there are few things alike
I can be debated, but most will agree that Metroid is a first person adventure
...*no comment*

I could be wrong because Im not halo guru on any degree...but...I thought that they were on earth? Isnt that the plot? They're trying to save Earth from the aliens? Correct me if I am wrong.
Right when i heard NO ONLINE MUTIPLAYER OR CO-OP it lost all its hype and i dont care for it what so ever now...
yeah it is a first person adventure. u are so right but its main focus is shooting. so thats why everyone keeps saying shooter but i'll give you dat, it is a first person adventure. that needs to be in third person
Metroid Prime in third person would be soooooooooooo bad. it completly ruins the purpose of different visors, and everything would completly be screwed up. i mean your inside the mask, and it shows all your ammo and **** on the sides like its some high tech computer inside it. third person would completly ruin this game. bottom line.
See the thing with me is i will buy pretty much any game thats online. I didn't buy mario strikers tho because i dont have the money right now saving for car and car insurance, and pokemon is just... well you know.

Anyways, I will get the new COD I will get Mario Kart and i would have easily gotten MP3 had it been online. Like cmon, whats their probelm why cant they make it online? And i keep seeing the responces saying because its a 1p game but why not just mak it both, it can have in depth 1 player and it can also have online playing against other players.

And if that doesn't convince you, imagine a 5v5 game of metriod it would just be so amazing with the wii mote.
JCpackers05 said:
Metroid Prime in third person would be soooooooooooo bad.

Metroid Prime is over. The trilogy has been completed.

it completly ruins the purpose of different visors, and everything would completly be screwed up. i mean your inside the mask, and it shows all your ammo and **** on the sides like its some high tech computer inside it. third person would completly ruin this game. bottom line.

Fans said the same thing about 1st person before it came around. 3rd person perspectives kept the game coming back for several consoles and handhelds before Prime came along. Personally I like first person, but Metroid is strong enough as a franchise to survive and thrive with changing mechanics.

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