Where to buy old NES games?


WiiChat Member
Mar 28, 2007
Hi, I live in East Anglia (UK), and I'm wondering if anyone here knows of any shops in Cambridge, Sudbury, Bury St. Edmunds or Newmarket that sell old NES games? Or if not anywhere at all in East Anglia? Am trying to build a collection up and would be V helpful :)
I know that Gamestation do the odd few but apart from that can't find 'em anywhere, and car boot sales seem to turn up a blank :(

And if anyone on here has any games or collections for the NES and you wanna sell them, mail me and let me know what ya got and how much ya want for them. PAL only please!!

Thanks guys :)

P.S. Anyone ever played Lunar Pool on the NES? I snapped it up for £2.50 the other day and it rules, lol :D
Cash converters (also have a web site)(dont know what there selling)
Junk shops
Sadly im not a nintendo collector

LowTek said:
I hate to say it...


Standerd reply
Standerd convesation
im_a_super_smash_bro said:
How about on this new console called the Wii, I think it has something called the virtual console. Mayb try there
The only prob there is its a bit expensive and the amout of games isnt very good

And theres allways one title that somebody liked that wont come out
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im_a_super_smash_bro said:
How about on this new console called the Wii, I think it has something called the virtual console. Mayb try there

How about not posting pointless sarcasm? It was pretty obvious from my post that I'm a collector! As ever prinny, the only sensible answers come from you. Haven't tried Cash Converters so will do :)

You an old school Ninty fan too prinny? Just seemed your posts are a bit more mature than the 95% of kids ya get bickering between themselves on this forum.
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Darkprinny said:
The only prob there is its a bit expensive and the amout of games isnt very good

And theres allways one title that somebody liked that wont come out

And as you say, some classics will probably never appear on the Wii. Cobra Triangle, Snake Rattle 'n' Roll off the top of my head. I'm sure there's many more.
I sold my whole collection on Ebay. It seems to have a LOT of eager buyers and a lot of eager sellers. I am sure you will find your collection there.

When I was collecting, I got most of mine at thrift stores and pawn shops.
ask all your mates and what not.
you might find that one of them has an old nes and heaps of games hidden away in their closet willing to sell for cheap

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