Where Should Nintendo Take StarFox?

Atomheart said:
At the most, there should be a Wiiware title that goes back to the SNES/64 roots. I say it should be on Wiiware, because no Starfox game is worth $50. Not even close. If I can beat a game in an afternoon, it should cost at most $10-15.

I dont think it is going to be a wiiware title. I knowbfor sure it will be a wii game. if nintendo decides to do the "what if" storyline like on the ds, the game should take around 30 hours.
I'd love to see Wii get some serious (and deep) space flight action, without the rails. Obviously Starfox has been used and abused (imagery tacked on to games designed without any relation to the characters), but if the right group got ahold of it, I'd be interested.

If they someone wants to do more acrade style shorts, then I agree with Atomheart (shudder), leave it to WiiWare.
If they do put out a Starfox Tittle on wii id hope it would be more like Starfox:Asssault more than anything I mean Ive never played the starfox titles before assault [ besides dinosaur planet ] and to be honest from what ive heard I wouldnt be very intrested in just flying a spaceship in space for a whole game

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