Status: Idle

Alright Nintendo. Where'd you hide it? Yes. I realize that I spelled "Hide" wrong. but by the time I made it, I couldn't change it.
So what happened? Why has no developer thought of this? It's the perfect idea! The Wiimote as a sword? What? Haven't you thought of this to? I'm sure you have! Right?
Doing what Red Steel failed to do. I find myself thinking about this often. Every time I step up to the plate in "Wii Sports", I move the bat around a lot. Maybe in circles. Maybe in squares. Just to see it move to my will.
The lack of sword games on the Wii is equal to or greater than the mysterious lack of FPS on the DS.
Get that?
Wii + Sword = DS+ FPS
No, I'm not a FPS fan-boy. Heck, I have trouble getting into those other than Metroid. And it not even a full FPS.
But this is a whole untapped genre here! Seriously! Take out the guns! Heck, kill 'em! Give varieties of swords! Ranging from the weak and common Katana to a giant improbably Final Fantasy-ish style sword! Imagine the possibilities!
Every stroke could be life-threatening in-game! The fight would be fast pace.
Here, let me spell it out.
Playing would be purely based on skill. You'd have to block, dodge, and fight with your own skill.
And another thing.

Imagine fighting on top of a roof. It'd be like a maze. Suddenly, out of the side of the screen. You see someone.
The haven't noticed you. Yet. You run towards them with your sword in the air, ready to strike. As the blade comes down on them, they parry it.
They make and attempt at you torso, but you swing the sword down, blocking it. Then make an attempt at THEIR torso, but they block it, sending both of you into a struggle.
With both blade pushing against each other, you'd both have to shake the Wiimote as fast as you can. Whoever shakes it fastest over-powers the other.
You see what I mean?
That would reinvent the "First person" games.
You'd probably feel like you just had a battle after it was done, too.
But it is, after all, only a dream. With the direction Wii has been going, it doesn't look like we'll be getting any sword game that doesn't have pre-set movements anytime soon.
But there is still some hope left. Where?

With Wiiware just around the corner, who knows what could happen. Home brewers already have tapped into this technology.
See how close they've already gotten?
So... Yeah. I just wasted a good 2/3 hours of my life informing you that I would absolutely love to see a sword game for the Wii like that...