Where are all the online FPSes?

Fillieto said:
Call Of Duty 5 is coming to Wii.

That game will probably keep the Wii in my house. I am as well a FPS fanatic...dont like shitty games like brawl or party games...

Unfortunately MOHH2 had problems in playing online so I switched off my wii until a decent online multiplayer game comes out and in the meantime am still enjoying the game of all centuries COD4 on my 360
wezeles said:
For sure MOH:H2 is one of the best "controll wise" FPS I have ever played, and that is all do to the motion and point click of the Wii-mote. Twist your wrist to zoom in on the scope, throw a grenade based on how hard you whip the wii-mote, shoot like a real person would aiming at a target... not just using a joystick.

The graphics themself in the game are not great. Would be low grade even for last gen I would say. Probably why it's not hugely popular, still a great game with the 32 player online!

You think its not popular because of graphics? The graphics are fine it's just a steep step below other shooters like CoD4 and Rainbow Six... It's like comparing the original Smash Bros to Brawl. It lacks ALOT compared to the newer ones.
Frog said:
I think devs are forgetting that Wii has 30% more RAM and 30% more processing power than the original Xbox.

Wii can run anything Xbox could so there should be good FPS for Wii.

I am sure some devs will realize this.

It's not the devs, it's about management and $$$. MOHH2 is ok IMO and a decent effort. There's a greater probability of a really good FPS with the new pay & play structure. Now there's more money to be made for having as many ppl playing the online part of a game. We'll see :).
Well I know that Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 is coming to Wii. And like mentioned before, CoD5 and Red Steel 2, but that's all I can think of at the moment. Hopefully we will hear good news at E3 this year.

But enough about FPSs... Where are the RPGs? There is only like 1 decent one.
Sorry, all the good FPSes are hanging out over there with the Xbox 360. Same thing goes with all the WRPGs.
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I gotta say, that whole "pay to play" thing really pisses me off. Obviously it depends on the rates, but it better be really damn cheap or I won't even bother. And the games better be FANTASTIC.
I dont think that Call of duty 5 will have online. The only online FPS I'm looking forward to is redsteel2.
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I don't think the Wii will have any shortage of RPGs; the Gamecube had its fair share by the time it finally fizzled out. It'll just take another year or so for the good ones to start springing up.

And if Call of Duty 5 for Wii doesn't have online play, I'm killing myself. This is my official notice, here on wiichat. Everyone take heed.
major rumor COD5 on wii is likely but voice chat is said to come out this summer would if be part of that pay to play thing????
call of duty 5, timesplitters 4, and red steel 2 are all looking hopeful.

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