When will there be a new zelda!?

They should make more Morphine Zelda, like Wind Waker. One where I can just sit in a 6 hour state of bliss.
i thought at e3 they anncouned a new zelda game

I love TP as much as the next guy... but im in desperation... I can find nothing on any developments concerning the next chapter in the legend of zelda... at least nothing since july... i came here hoping that maybe... just maybe someone on HERE might know or have heard of something...

there is a new phony video on youtube now... for a minute there i thought it might be real because it had the "ign" watermark displayed on the screen but apparantly it isn't anything official.

I'd love Nintendo to re-issue SNES "Legend of Zelda- Link to the Past" compatible with Wii. I know it's available on virtual console but I'm not able to make that happen yet. Zelda's great.
