When do you think Nintendo will announce the price and date?

When do you think Nintendo will announce the price and date of the Wii?

  • August

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • September

    Votes: 16 76.2%
  • Don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
August. I believe the system will be available in October, able to pre-order early September, and we will KNOW the Official date mid August.
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  • #19
Homicidal_Gamer said:
I mean, didnt Nintendo even say that well hear new Wii news BY September?

Yes, you are right. At a June 2006 briefing in Japan, Iwata stated that a precise release date and price would be announced by September.
But that could also mean in september, think how exciting it will be to know when it's coming out, u'll actually be able to go in a store and see it's beautiful beautifulness....ahhh so beautiful. I won't mind seeing the PS3 either, it's a very nice looking machine as well.
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  • #21
ssbb_lover said:
But that could also mean in september, think how exciting it will be to know when it's coming out, u'll actually be able to go in a store and see it's beautiful beautifulness....ahhh so beautiful. I won't mind seeing the PS3 either, it's a very nice looking machine as well.

I don't see Nintendo telling the public the Wii release date and price in September because the events that take place in September have been pretty much ruled out...http://forums.nintendo.com/nintendo/board/message?board.id=revolution&message.id=1450211
gameking2006 said:
I read somewhere that Nintendo will tell the public "by september". This is way too confusing Nintendo!:lol:

I heard that 2. think theyll let us preorder them??
Not until the official release date is confirmed by nintendo they won't.
Lol, it's a nice machine nonetheless.:) The wii is the most slender coolest looking one though. I still can't get over the idea that my console's going to be the size of a pencil:lol:It's going to be so weird...but cool for sure.
Tokyo Game Show is in mid September, everyone knows that's when they are confirming price + date, Tokyo Game Show is = to our E3...Case Closed.
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  • #28
Sovieto said:
Tokyo Game Show is in mid September, everyone knows that's when they are confirming price + date, Tokyo Game Show is = to our E3...Case Closed.

They could, possibly. I think since Nintendo will not be holding a keynote speech at the Tokyo Game Show, the likelihood of Nintendo related news at that event has been moved to low.
So then that would mean a possible august confirmation.
Cause if they did no corfirmation during september, that would be breaking their promise. :mad:
Hundreds of Ninty fans will have felt betrayed if that happened:sick: (including me and you)
Nintendo nvr betrays there fanbase, HOW DARE U?!?!?!:mad:

Sovieto said:
Tokyo Game Show is in mid September, everyone knows that's when they are confirming price + date, Tokyo Game Show is = to our E3...Case Closed.
Not exactly, the Revolution was mentioned at E3, but info had been released about it before that. Could be the same case for this, u nvr know.

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