When are you usually on WiiChat?

wario2ooo said:
you procrastinate?....wow....rarely or everyday?

All the time. :lol:

But, really, I had some english homework that I started doing two days ago to prepare a presentation on... something I seemed to have forgotten about and I've only just got around to completing it, and it's 12:30, and I still don't intend on doing it.
I'm on here mostly at night, before i do homework i just check it quick.. or well thats usually the plan but then i stay on here way longer than i should. but it all works out.
I go here at 5 in the morning (before work) and then I get back on once I've gotten home from work, then I'll check back in again later at night. Of course, while at the computer I'm visiting other places as well. :)
When my parents aren't home, or in the basement. Right when my parents come down to the basement I take my textbooks in front of me shutdown my laptop and pretend to study.(By than I have already completed my homework).