Whats Your Wii wishlist ?

Most of my wishlist is complete but here it is,
-Wii console- $250.00
-wiimote and nunchuck- like $55.00
-Red Steel- $50.00
- 1g sd card- $25.00-$30.00
- Madden- $50.00
-Zelda tlp- $50.00
-total- almost $500.00 far less than the good version of the ps3 and I would be happy for months off of just that:smilewinkgrin:
Wii $250
Extra Wiimote $40
Extra Nunchuckn$20
Rayman $50
Zelda $50
TOTAL $410

There weren't a lot of launch games that I just "had to have" I may wait a bit on the extra controllers, not a whole lot of cash flow for me right now, and multiplayer action can come later.
registerednerd said:
Wii $250
Extra Wiimote $40
Extra Nunchuckn$20
Rayman $50
Zelda $50
TOTAL $410

There weren't a lot of launch games that I just "had to have" I may wait a bit on the extra controllers, not a whole lot of cash flow for me right now, and multiplayer action can come later.

i say drop rayman for red steel or something!

how come people like rayman so much!>?
My wishlist is:

The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess: $50
Red Steel: $50
Project Hammer: $50
Metroid Prime 3 Corruption: $50
Call of Duty 3: $50
Mario Galaxy: $50
Super Smash Bros Brawl: $50

The total price would be $600. A Wii with 7 games is the same prize as only the Ps3 without any games.
Sovieto said:
i say drop rayman for red steel or something!

how come people like rayman so much!>?
I think for me it's because Rayman was the first game I really got into. Way back in the days of the original rayman in DOS. I've been playing ever since then, and not this is the next revolution in the game.
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Rayman on the Ps1 is the shiz !:cool: