Whats your heavy metal name!

erm, ok thats right??

was something along those lines. . .
mr_resi said:
Great Black Sabboth what sort of emo-craft is this!

Thats insanley long!

haha yeah, that was kinda the point. But if I had to pick one (for real) I'd go with Lazzer. See, it's laser, but with two Z's. So that makes it bad-ass


LAZZER!!!! *high pitched guitar squeals w/ whammy*

see? bad ass right?
Um.........I don't have one.......LOL.
Got my name from Joey Belladonna when he autographed my C.D of his solo L.P

Got my Av from the Anthrax CDC fanclub.

Anthrax RULZ!!!

Keep the Horns way up!