Whats your favourite 4 player game so far?


WiiChat Member
Nov 22, 2006
I have 2 controllers and my friend just bought a Wii with 2 controllers so I did some math and then was wondering what is a good 4 player game?
Mario Strikers Charged Football is a great game with excellent multiplayer. You can have a few players on each team and verse each other etc. Load's of different things you can do with the multiplayer, like teaming up with your friend/friends on the same team and versing other people online!
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Unfortunately I'm from Canada and Charged doesn't com out until July 30th. Hhmm I have Red Steel, thats kind of a bad sign.
i still have a MAJOR soft spot in my heart for Gauntlet Legends on N64. Me and my friends used to play the crap out of that game. Hour after hour after hour until we beat it. And then we started all over again.

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