Whats your favorite goldeneye weapon?

wolfe 44 any day get head shots all the time when i use it and the only time i can use it is on hero's zukovosky's class is epic genade x3 masterton and wolfe 44 with laser!!!
ye people say wth man you've got a masterton with that class use it. er no mate wolfe's more kick ass
Wolfe .44 buy far, love the sound, love the fire rate, love how you hold it, its PURE EPICNESS. Also like the gambit w/Silencer or w/Laser.
Stauger UA-1 as I'm only a level 19 :frown5: But so close to getting silencer I seriously need it for my accuracy.
You're gonna call me mad, but i've always really liked the double Dostovei.
People are gonna clobber me over this one, but i've come to dislike the stauger.
It was actually my favourite gun for a while. Nice range, nice damage, ...
It's just so freaking slow. By the time it shoots a bullet, any other guns has flown three.

As of late i'm constantly switching between the ak-47, the normal sigmus and the sigmus 9.

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