What's with the ethernet jacks on the GH3 controllers?


M'bating to Z Suit Samus
Jul 30, 2007
I noticed that there is an ethernet jack on the bottom edge of the GH3 guitar controller. What is the purpose of this?
I have seen several posts about this. I think the consensus is that is for potential future use.
I saw this too. Theres a thread about it on the GuitarHero forums Here
Something about an effects pedal
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Maybe if you connect it to your Wii or something you can download new Patches.:wink:
Woah I just found it. never noticed it because it was covered with this plastic... amazing...
adsertif12 said:
Maybe if you connect it to your Wii or something you can download new Patches.:wink:


Anyway, Smurf was correct in an effects pedal. I think their first priority is getting out single guitars over another periph.
hmm...i was thinking maybe a future headset or pedal. the booklet just says it's for future use, so i'm guessing it's still all speculation at the moment.

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