What's the plural form of Wii? Wiis? Or just Wii?


WiiChat Member
Nov 20, 2006
What's the plural form of Wii? Wiis? Or just Wii?
(referring to the console only) :frown2:

I don't think I've ever see Nintendo(the company) ever
referring to multiple Wil consoles as Wiis....
*chuckles* like folks on teh intehwebs are always going to bother getting that right. Even in print, that'd sound strange.

"Armed gunmen robbed two people of their wii systems."

Wii systems? As in tiny? Perhaps "wii consoles."

More likely we'll read "My family enjoys it so much, we bought two Wii's."
Well, in german we have the problem if it is "der", "die" or "das" wii as article... think nintendo once said "die wii"... so female article
Leviathan, yes I do. Correct me if I'm wrong, seeing as I have no masters in the English Language and perhaps someone here does, but Personal Computers are pluraled as "PC's" ... and Wii isn't an abbreviation any more than "PlayStations" is, whereas "PS3's" is... so that would mean it should be "Wiis"?

That question mark is outside the quotes purposefully.

"Well, in german we have the problem if it is "der", "die" or "das" wii as article... think nintendo once said "die wii"... so female article"
I wonder what it is in Spanish. Wiis are female articles in German, that's neat.

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