Dont read this.

Before I continue, I have to mention that it’s obvious that Nintendo is working on their next console. That’s simply how the production cycle works. Anyways, there’s a rumor now that Nintendo is showing early presentations of their next system to game developers. The sources have begun to refer to it as “Wii HD”, and have mentioned a few details. It supposedly has high definition visuals, a greater emphasis on digital content and backwards compatibility, some sort of storage medium (like a hard drive maybe), and places an emphasis on how the user will interact with the system rather than the console itself, like with Wii. To be honest, regardless of if this is true or not, all of this just seems like obvious news. I’m thinking that the earliest we may ever hear about Nintendo’s next console will be next year, but it could be later than that. I wonder how it will be more interactive than Wii. Maybe it’ll be similar to the mock-up picture above.