Whats the deal with the online gameplay


Player Hater
Nov 21, 2006
Wii Online Code
I heard from somewhere that nintendo is going to have online gameplay for the Wii like the Xbox 360, Xbox live, I haven't heard anything new about it??

Does anyone else know anything about the Wii online gameplay or when the Opera Browser is coming out??
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dude(s) no way!...is it free, i have wirless internet, but i brought my wii over to a friends house and played it all day,he has HD and i dont, i didnt hook the Wii back up at my house yet today. Ima go hook it up now.
Another quick question...i havent tried yet because i just got my Wii and have been playing games on it, but can you play DVD's on Wii. I've looked a lot of places on the net...they say it does but some say the Wii doesn't, I've been lazy not putting a DVD in, but i dont want to ruin my lovely Wii!
No DVD support (yet).

Online gaming Q1 2007

btw, all there are 10+ other posts asking the same exact ?s.
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