whats next on your shopping list?

Component cable for my new TV.
2 more wiimotes and maybe some more nunchuks.
Subwoofer and speakers to get the ost out of my games.

Oterwise I'm waiitng for some online games that I like and shoot-em-ups arent one of them.

A good online racing game and ISS would be nice.
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whats good about dbz, i haven't really gotten in to that stuff, im more into sports games, and puzzles and stuff, guess im too old? 24 too old for dbz?
A better TV to compliment my Wii...

---sigh march is gunna be a rough month-- SoOo many Games so little time
I will get Excite Truck, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Prince of Persia Rival Swords(probably), and then Mario Galaxy, Disaster: Day of Crisis, SSBB, Sadness, and I want a Zelda backpack for the Wii..
I will also get Contra 3 and Kid Icarus for the Virtual Console games
Already have
2 Remotes
2 nunchuks
2 classic controllers

Wii-Sports, ZeldaTP, Madden07
VC Games SMB, Zelda, Zelda LTTP
On my list
potentially immediate
an SD card... 1GB, maybe 2GB.
Wii-Play for my 3rd controller
a GC controller, preferably wireless (somebody gave me Zelda Windwaker)

on the horizon
Mario Party 8, Tiger Woods, Mario Galaxy, Guitar Heroes
Next on my shopping list will be "Sonic and the Secret Rings". Been waiting long for this game... Haven't played my Wii for about a month now... need a new game.
Excite Truck, The Godfather and Manhunt 2!!

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