whats better in which aspects?wii 360...........

Yes. I wasnt saying Wii wasnt fun, but I think PS3 is just SLIGHTLY better. Actually all systems are equily fun...
I can relate to you abit there.
I like FIFA beter than Pro Evolution just because it looks better lol. I like to have the correct names for my team =/
Anyways I still respect your opinion. Hey if I had money I'd have a PS3 though im not that rich [I live on EMA really] so I'd rather get an Xbox
I dont have a PS3 but I have played one. Sony has the games I like best though Dynasty Warriors, Gran Tourismo "I want to know when HD is coming out" etc. It will be good soon...
graphics: ps3
gameplay: ps3
price: ps3
power: ps3
size: wii (why the **** does this matter anyway)
memory: ps3
You actually thought the PS3s price was fair?
Actually, I absolutely despise sony, I was just trying to prove a point that you guys are being WAY to one sided. The PS3's price gives you the most bang for its buck. For christ's sake it has a built in blue-ray player. Regardless of whether or not you support blue ray, that is freaking amazing that they pulled that off for 600 bucks. What are standalone blue ray players going for nowadays? $1000-$1500??
Borch712ers said:
Actually, I absolutely despise sony, I was just trying to prove a point that you guys are being WAY to one sided. The PS3's price gives you the most bang for its buck. For christ's sake it has a built in blue-ray player. Regardless of whether or not you support blue ray, that is freaking amazing that they pulled that off for 600 bucks. What are standalone blue ray players going for nowadays? $1000-$1500??

somethings wrong with you for someone who hates sony sure bigs them up for nothing..... If you have been around you would know that Sony is losing money because of how cheap they are selling the PS3......... When you see the word price, they were talking about who own is more affordable for everyone........ and the 360 and Ps3 both runs at 1080 anyway.. you are being to one sided i can't believe you are calling everybody onesided and everything you said has ps3 in it. Get over it Ps3 sucks. lmao
There are a few problems with the built-in blue ray players. For one thing, most people don't own a HDTV. For another, this next-gen DVD platform war just got started. In 4 years HDDVD might own the market - what would be the use of Blue-Ray then? And finally, Sony is making you buy the Blue-Ray with the PS3 whether you want it or not. The way Microsoft does it is better in the present. It's the same price in the end but you are giving people the choice to buy now, buy later, or not buy at all. With Sony you are buying the Blue-Ray regardless. That is because Sony cares more about Blue-Ray than they do the PS3.

I think the PS3 is a few years ahead of its time. It will do really well during the latter half of this gen, but for now it is getting smoked mainly due to price and lack of games. I've played the PS3 and I think it is an awesome machine, but some people just have no use for it in the present. If I was a real big hardcore gamer I would go with the 360 in addition to the Wii I already own. Bear in mind that I exclusively owned the PS1 and PS2 the last two gens so I'm not biased against Sony or Playstation.
Graphics: 360/PS3
Gameplay: Wii
Price: Wii
Power: PS3
Size: Wii
Looks: Wii
Memory: PS3

I think the 360 just edges the PS3 in terms of graphics at the moment mostly because a lot of PS3 games are 360 ports. When the PS3 gets more of its own games (like Motorstorm) they should look better.

For gameplay i think that the Wii is by far the best, a lot of PS3 or 360 titles are just like last gen gameplay but with better graphics. :sleep:

For price the Wii can't be beat, its the cheapest console after all. The PS3 is a bargin if you actually really want a blueray player. I wouldn't want a PS3 to play movies myself though as i don't have a HDTV and watching DVDs killed many PS2s so i like to keep my gaming and movies seperate.

Size does matter. ;) The tiny Wii sits nicely in the living room without being an eyesore, while the chunky PS3 or 360 would have to go in the spare room.
I consider myself unbiased regarding systems. I currently play maninly on my 360 and Wii, but have owned consoles from most manufactures I had the Dreamcast, Ps1 / ps2, Snes, psp, Genesis, NES, various GBAs, even relics like atari and the magnavox odyssey.

It's kind of hard to compare the wii to the other next gen systems because of the wii unique playstyle and lack of graphical power. But this is how I rate the systems.

Cost: Wii (cheapest period), 360 (thanks to its purchasing options), and lastly ps3.

Physical look: Tie between the Wii (very unique) and the 360 (thanks to its customizable options). Lastly ps3 for simply being a big black box.

Gameplay: Wii for its great controller possibilities. Ps3 for at least adding motion control. Lastly the 360 because its a pretty standard controller.

Graphics: 360 so far the ps3 may eventually tie or surpass it but so far it has proved to be the most reliable both graphically and framerate wise. Lastly the wii stands off to its self with its last gen graphics.

Games: 360 mainly because it has the largest library so far, it has alot of developer support, and the ps3 keeps losing exclusives to it. I list the Wii last because so far many wii games have been to simple, ugly, or the controls have been rushed and don't work smoothly.

Overall: I like the 360 as the next gen leader and my prefered main console. It has a great library of games both currently out and coming soon, graphically its equal to the ps3 (so far), and its middle range price still allows it to financially viable for gamers of various incomes. I like the Wii for its price and innovations, but I am dissapointed in the games for it so far. The ps3 right now is off to a rocky start because its the last system out; so it has a year long hurdle to overcome and they keep losing exclusive titles. Its high price tag while a value if you wish to own a blu ray player makes it a harder financial purchase. Sony will support the system to the end and it has extreme potential to once again become the leader, but for now in my opinion its a third tier machine.
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