What you hope of Wii '08

The wii really needs a headset. especially for mario kart and future online games. maybe a better friend system thing? downloadable songs for gh3. An online, easily playable and controllable first person shooter. A chuck norris sim...
Oh and I forgot to add:

- Nintendo to ramp up production so that everyone who wants, can afford, and is ready to buy a Wii actually can. That way, with more Wiis out there in the market, there'll be a bigger demand for games, and more games will be sold and produced. With a bigger market and more incentive, hopefully we'll see even better games.
  1. WiiWare development kit to be special priced for hobbyist developers for under a grand (preferred $500)...
  2. GTA for Wii (ANY non-released title will do, GTA:SA Stories or port GTA4)
  3. More online support, something more community based...
  4. Headset and/or Harddrive...
  5. Nintendo to show some "quality control" and actually filter out some of the garbage that goes on there console...
That is my 2008 wish list. :)
I hope they get Golden eye on the VC download list, and I'm rather surprised they dont have that already. But i suppose N64 games are harder to intergrate to the new system/ controllers.
Starfox Online Co-op with Headset.. make it as good as star fox 64 and ill be happy.. mm SSBB of course.. Mario Kart Wii(good online plz)...Maybe a new Zelda? prolly have to wait till 09 for that one
Anubus III, more ports of ps2 games, longer friend codes, more sweet mini game collections, and maybe pokemon battle revolution 2.
:wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

edit: forgot superman 64 for VC
Not sure wats been covered already, but here is my list for Wii in 2008:
-Wireless Headset
-New accessory for the Wiimote (along the lines of an advanced nunchuck perhaps?)
-New colours for wii and controllers (Black will do, I've held off buying 2 controllers for a year now anticipating a black wiimote)
-DVD support (even via firmware?)
-3rd parties to REALLY get behind the Wii, eg: we want GranTurismo Wii, not My Baby's First Racer 3D (now with some limited wiimote tack-ons).
-Some more useful channels (I spose this is happening though)
-A trade-in feature with VC games (trade game back for 1/2 your points to put towards another game perhaps... I am embarrased to have Sonic 1 as a channel lol).
I also want to see some real hardcore games chucked in from Nintendo. I'm not sure what theyd do, perhaps release a really good Zelda, faster paced and more violent. Some online elements even...
-Hard-Drive! Definately necessary!
I'm throwing ideas out here, and I'm sure most will be fulfilled, 2007 was a gamble year for Nintendo and anyone supporting it, many ppl played it safe including Nintendo itself to an extent, but with the initial hype fading, and sales still rising, it is a success, and now Nintendo and 3rd parties can ride on that wave of success, and I'm sure all us as users, can jin them on that ride too, I'm guessing it will arrive mid-2008, the first quarter isnt overly impressive as of yet, save for Smash Bros.
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Headset!!! exclamation mark exclamati0on mark exclamation mark
SSBB (Im in Europe so theres a slight chance we wont have it by the end of 08)
Wii Ware
Ds Download Station
Pikmin 3
And a Hard Drive
good game.......

and i know we are alrady gonna have them.........i know this is "hopeless" hope but maybe the re-encarnation of "PROJECT HAMMER*
Here we go :
:aureola: Oh regie clause,
I hav been good all year and all you hav given me was a delaying Super smash.
Next year as you ow me would you plizz get me the following:
MARIO KART WII with superb onlin
a java update (i think this is impossible but anyway)
SSBB like everyone
a great online rts (civilization revolution)
that my parents let me play fps without teling mii its bad
a harddrive for the demo channel u prommised me in my dream
an mmorpg , I AM BEGGING FOR THIS ,the wii is perfect for it
some free arcade channel
a dvd player
a cd player with the blu light that shines more or less
a hedset that doesnt mean ill be bying it
a nunchuk that uses no strings and that works with magik and never gets lost!
Gta for the wii

SAnTA reggie if you get me half of thes things before 2010 ill be happy!:aureola:

a gf too wouldnt be bad!
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better gpu software?

Hmm... this probably wont' happen because a lot of it is hardware, but I want better widescreen support.

sremick said:
- More online games
- More serious (big boy) games (Less gingerbread ninjas and MySims, and more Zelda TP and Metroid Prime)
agreed! looking forward to starwars and okami.
KrisKhaos said:
  1. WiiWare development kit to be special priced for hobbyist developers for under a grand (preferred $500)...
i really really like that idea its very creative and gives a chance for dev/players to branch out and really make some good fun and cool stuff great idea! :yesnod:

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