What Would You Do?

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  • #91
I would wait for someone to say something.

What would you do if you wake up and you are obeese.
if i was obeese i would be happy cuz the fat girls would want me and what would u do if money was on the ground and a hobo trie to get it
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  • #93
I will tell him to stop being greedy and give it to me :p

What would you do if you have a son and he turns gay?
i would ask him why did u turn gay and be alittle sad . wat would u do if u saw a rapist raping ur wife and kids but u cant kill him
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  • #95
I would try to hurt him.

What would you do if you were the last person alive in the world?
I would get one of those NASA rockets and go search 4 life

What would if there were only men on the planet but they were all gay?
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  • #97
:sick: :sick: :sick: Commit suicide :sick: :sick: :sick:

What would you do if your parents left you?
go live with aunt and uncle

What would you do if you woke up and there was a hungry grizzly bear right next to you.
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  • #99
Run like hell.

What would you do if you get diarreah and there is no bathrooms around for miles?
get a nice comfortable bush:lol:

What would u do if a random guys house was on fire.Help him or say o look a guys house is on fire
I'd help then I get a medal, a key to the city and get a Corvett filled with cash and hot chicks.:lol:

What would you do if you had only 2 weeks to live?
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  • #102
Bang as manny chicks as I could and do all my lifelong dreams.

What would you do if you were really buff, ripped, muscular?
I don't know...
What would you do if the person you loved most died
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  • #104
I will be depressed and really sad :(

What would you do if the world turns 2-D? (Girls would be flatchested :yikes: )
GO NUTS!!!:ee5k:

What would if u were taking a crap and toilet paper ran out but you have 2 use something.

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