What will zoras look like?


Found a goron pic.. Looks terrible.. I like the lovable old ones

Ok.. My
Like I Said,"They Got A Serious Makeover."

The Look TOTALLY DIfferent Then The OoT Gorons
But if the Gorons are evil looking wouldn't that mean the Zoras would also look evil?
they dont look evil (in my opinion) but they just look like theyve actually worked on mines. in the LoZ demo at E3, it was of the goron mines. maybe the zoras will look more like fishermen or sailors.
sailors catch fish..... maybe pirates... no uhhhh maybe there like guardians or watch over the water supply to hyrule or something
I reckon they should have their fin on their head (which I call the "cranial fin") over the other way, so it's obscuring one eye, and they be black instead, so they can be zoremo's.