What will YOU be doing?

I'm going to hook it up, have my friend over and play some Wii sports, then play some zelda or red steel, then watch my grades fade away in the glow of the television.
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  • #19
nemo87 said:
I'm going to hook it up, have my friend over and play some Wii sports, then play some zelda or red steel, then watch my grades fade away in the glow of the television.
Won't we all... (The last part, that is. xD)

in touch with the wii said:
oh no my sister wants to borrow my wii no way sis im gona keep this one i never got my ds back
I SO wouldn't let ANYONE borrow it. >.> No one gets their hands on my baby. *Strokes a picture of the Wii* <3

HawaiianMoon said:
After staring at it for a while...It's Zelda BABY! VC next...no sleep, food or anything else until just before my pulse stops.:ciappa:
Sounds like a plan. ^.^ Kinda forgot to add that part on mine. xD
firstly i'll be checking the channels and setting up wifi, then i'll play sports with daughter and missis....

i have organised a wii nite, some friends and work colleagues are coming over for a nite of wii gaming, they are bringing their wiis over for mad wifi gaming
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breakpoint said:
firstly i'll be checking the channels and setting up wifi, then i'll play sports with daughter and missis....

i have organised a wii nite, some friends and work colleagues are coming over for a nite of wii gaming, they are bringing their wiis over for mad wifi gaming
Hmm... Family time. Sounds fun. ^.^ Looks like Nintendo has accomplished what they were aiming for. ^^;
Shoot, I may not even hook it up for like an hour! I'll just hold the wiimote in one hand, nunchuk in the other and smile for about 30min. Then I'll open all the flaps, push all the buttons to make sure none of them stick and finally hook it up to my TV! I'll start it up, aniticipating a nice start-up screen and sound, and look through all the channels. I don't know if I'll start making a Mii because I'm guessing I would get too into that. I'll pop in Wii Sports first, try it out a bit and then it's time for RED STEEL!! The next day, I may start Zelda, but I'm not sure since it's going to be sooo masive and deep. I'll definitly invite a friend or two over and hopefully they'll have a wiimote/nunchuk. It's going to be awesome.

Currently, it's 36 days, 7 hours, 42 min, 6 seconds til launch according to my WiiCountdown Widget.:D
Im probly gunna do what i did with my ds, turn it on for the first time and explode inside with excitment, after that i will probly fiddle with the options and wii mote sensitivity, and then actually play a game.
ok well first im going to get home and open the box and faint...then when i wake up im going to take the wii and plug it in and turn it one and then faint again...and then when i finaly wake up im going to put probly red steel in it and start playing it and when i start shooting im going to faint again...lol
I'm going to take pictures of it's insides. Wii pr0n!!!111!!11!!1

But seriously, I'm going to look at the settings, make it the way I want. Then make a Mii, play Wii Sports for a bit, THEN ZELDA!
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NateTheGreat said:
Shoot, I may not even hook it up for like an hour! I'll just hold the wiimote in one hand, nunchuk in the other and smile for about 30min. Then I'll open all the flaps, push all the buttons to make sure none of them stick and finally hook it up to my TV! I'll start it up, aniticipating a nice start-up screen and sound, and look through all the channels. I don't know if I'll start making a Mii because I'm guessing I would get too into that. I'll pop in Wii Sports first, try it out a bit and then it's time for RED STEEL!! The next day, I may start Zelda, but I'm not sure since it's going to be sooo masive and deep. I'll definitly invite a friend or two over and hopefully they'll have a wiimote/nunchuk. It's going to be awesome.

Currently, it's 36 days, 7 hours, 42 min, 6 seconds til launch according to my WiiCountdown Widget.:D
xD Now, I can't help but think I'll do the same thing for the first hour. >.<

And you, my friend, are my hero for making a Countdown Widget! xD

Jenova said:
I'm going to take pictures of it's insides. Wii pr0n!!!111!!11!!1

But seriously, I'm going to look at the settings, make it the way I want. Then make a Mii, play Wii Sports for a bit, THEN ZELDA!

Amen brother! xD
Kumoriken said:
xD Now, I can't help but think I'll do the same thing for the first hour. >.<

Oh my god, I'm thinking, and that's what I did with the PS2 and Gamecube. xD It'll take even longer with the Wii! I think I'll get a head start in the car. xD
I'm suprised how few people are playing zelda as there first game I amfor one, I mean 3 freakin years we've been waiting for it, 3 YEARS!!. Hopefully this will make more people play Zelda TP first

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