What Web browser do you use?

meh IE sucks, if you understand the internet, and accessibility, you woudn't use it, anyway Firefox and Safari Rock!!
Gaz said:
meh IE sucks, if you understand the internet, and accessibility, you woudn't use it, anyway Firefox and Safari Rock!!

IE's biggest problem is that Microsoft has done little to improve it's compatibility with current standards (CSS 2.1 specifically) IE7 is an improvement over IE6 however it is still far from being perfect. Firefox is CSS 2.1 compliant and i find that it works better with most webpages. However there are some sites that contain some Microsoft proprietary code, because of that, I use both, but prefer Firefox.
firefox, its slow, but all the cool features make up for it (all my school is getting firefox now so its so easy to get past **** by downloading apps)
FireFox. Mine never crashes and also it is not slow, just download the fasterfox extension and set it to turbo charged, it will blow everything out of the water.
lorddaddy84 said:
FireFox. Mine never crashes and also it is not slow, just download the fasterfox extension and set it to turbo charged, it will blow everything out of the water.
can you send link for faster fox? im to lazy to search >.<
IE my isp dont work to well with the others
funkengruven said:
IE's biggest problem is that Microsoft has done little to improve it's compatibility with current standards (CSS 2.1 specifically) IE7 is an improvement over IE6 however it is still far from being perfect. Firefox is CSS 2.1 compliant and i find that it works better with most webpages. However there are some sites that contain some Microsoft proprietary code, because of that, I use both, but prefer Firefox.
Firefox isn't CSS 2.1 compliant..

The only browser that are:
and Opera

Darkprinny said:
IE my isp dont work to well with the others
How does your ISP do this? sounds like rubbish, there are no differences between Firefox and IE when they receive data packages.
Did use oprea before that

But the other browsers seem to run slow and crash alot