What temple are you at in Zelda Twilight Princess?

I dub thee, sir post-aloticus! FYI, you can quote multiple posts at once using the ole copy + paste + insert quote tags trick. :) Helps keep the post whore police off your back.

Back on topic, I'm done :thumbsup:.
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hey i have a question. I missed a heart piece back in Faron Woods. Unfortunately, it's still covered in that mist that you can't see through. How can I explore it without having to waste a bunch of lantern oil. I'm trying to get every hidden thing in the game.
OMG! This guys is such a n00b lol. I dont really think someone as stupid as him shoulde even own a wii lol. When he took it out of the box it probably took him 5 hours to get it set up and just turn the thing on. Also you the right sections! In The Immortal Words Of Red Forman " You Dumbass!"