What stages DON'T you like?

I haven't had my Wii in so long I've forgotten what stages are and aren't there.. D: It's still at flipping Nintendo, the rep said I should have had it back by now.. What the hell?! D:
I don't like Rumble Falls
New Pork City

That's about it...

I love Norfair, Final Destination, Halbred, etc.
Without a doubt, New Pork City. I hate it for two big reasons. First off, it is too big for my liking. Second, there is too much going on - I am often finding myself not knowing what objects are platforms and which ones are not.
BattleField (boring as hell)
FD (same, but has a trippy background)
Electroplankton (pretty trippy, but impossible to actually fight on)

That's about it...the stages are very creative and I like them. And as hard as Rumble Falls can be sometimes, I love the design and adore the music (and at least it doesn't randomly switch directions like the old IC stage...and it actually WARNS you when it's gonna speed up!)
only good maps are hyrule, final destination, corneria, the rest blow nuts. the MGS one is alright
The only reason I liked Mushroomy Kingdom is because they remade a classic.
It would've been perfect if the stage didn't move. Same goes for every other stage that works that way.
Also, some of the stages have such a neat moving background, that I pay too much attention to that and can't fight as well. But still, not too much to complain about, I like just about all the stages.
I adore mushroomy kingdom <3

The only ones I really just don't like is..

Mario Bros. - Seriously. 75% of your deaths come from the turtles crabs and whatnot.

75m Same. Things just come out of nowhere and kill you.
Napalmbrain said:
Am I the only person who actually doesn't mind the Electroplankton stage?
If the bottom "water" was actually water then I'd like it just fine. But it's really annoying when your platforms are tiny and you can get killed easily off ANY direction of the screen...and the "music" is pretty trippy but I prefer the real music most of the time. And I have no idea about the game it came from, or if there actually was a specific game and it wasn't just Sakurai and his homies smokin some weed while thinking of stage designs.

That's 3 strikes: easy KOs, no musical references, and no visual references that I recognize

Those are the 3 things that make me like a stage or not (the only exceptions are FD and BF as I just don't like them...kinda like Snake's commentary on Sonic XD)
warioware is GLITCHY AS HELL!
I had the andross Assist Trophy and the things were comin fron the background The floor sotimes isnt there and the things u get for winning are unfairly distrubuted. I get a little health back and my enemy gets a star?? WTF is up with that.

I hate ones that force you to move like the water fall one and mushroomy kingdom.

Other then that i love the rest of the levels :wink:

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