What Social Class Are You [Or Think You Are]?

SSBBFan101 said:
i see people are saying stuff like middle class. those are types of financial class. if you don't know what "social" is, go to www.dictionary.com/ and look it up.
if you don't like labels, its cool.

haha, it was just a joke. people stated they assumed it was going to be a thread about financial status, but were wrong once they got here..but they decided to type it anyway for kicks.
SSBBFan101 said:
i see people are saying stuff like middle class. those are types of financial class. if you don't know what "social" is, go to www.dictionary.com/ and look it up.
if you don't like labels, its cool.

But that's just it...financial status denotes social standing.

I guess I am quite an Asian stereotype...some call me "slave" too... Hmmm
CantGetAWii said:
Yeah I will join there my friend :lol:

Honestly, like others have said I hate labels and people that strive and care about them so much as well. Seriously there is no point to it other than over exaggerating who you are etc.

Can I join the insane club to?! I think that's where I fit, anyways.

I mean... I hate the human race, of which I'm apart of. Heck, I'd blow up the moon if I had a chance.

Though, that's more criminally insane than anything...

I'm like the ugly duckling... If he had a bazooka...
XtremeKilling said:
i consider myself a asian fanatic who has awesome asian hair..
FOB or what ever you guys think we are...
one who listens to jay chou, wang lee hom, fahrenheit and watch all those asian dramas. ^_-

sort of like this..
Dang. He's prettier than me.
diego prepp
changed look for da new year
b444 diego wass dressin ghetto in ecko ;)
i hang out with preppy white girls
rocker/skater guys and G guys 2
and G girls
otha than that nothing else =]
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Right, I guess I'm a jock, but not really your average jock. I'm popular and all but I do my own thing, skip out on all the 'must-do' events like parties and football games and whatnot.

LevesqueIsKing said:

Right, I guess I'm a jock, but not really your average jock. I'm popular and all but I do my own thing, skip out on all the 'must-do' events like parties and football games and whatnot.


Jemopular? :lol: