Help! What games should I buy?


Mario Fanatic
Feb 7, 2007
Flipside or flopside
I have a problem. No it's not drugs or weed or anything like that. It's that there are some cool games coming out and I need to know what games should I save my money for?

Here's the list that I know I'm getting:

Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Animal Crossing Wii

Here's a list of games that I'm considering:

Mario Party 8
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Metroid Prime 3

So I need to know. What games should I get? I know I could get 1 or 2 for Christmas, but some games I need, so what games should I get? and When does Galaxy and Brawl come out? I know that WarioWare is out, and MP8 comes out march 5th. I've owned every Mario Party except 4 (I didn't have a GC then) so I know I should get MP8. I've been a huge Mario fan ever since I got Super Mario 64. Then my friend showed him his NES and I watched him play some Super Mario Bros games. I became even a bigger Mario fan. So I know I must get Super Mario Galaxy. What games should I ask for for Christmas? What games should I get right away? I hope I can get a honest opinion.

Oh, is WarioWare worth buying or renting? How long does it take to beat and is the multi fun?
well out of ur list ive only played Wario Ware. its gd...not great but gd! def a two player game and loads of fun things to do in it. tbh u have to have no pride of dignity to play it...something i found out very early on lol!

as for the other games...i bet theyll all be amazin because they are gd titles that have had gd versions before! Metroid prime games r always amazin and im sure theyll make gd use of the wiimote! Mario party will only be gd multi player.

hope this helps!
yeah, that would work too...well dont buy the crap games like 'cars' etc...all the games on the list will be gd games anyway!
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Here's my gameplan. Sorta.


WarioWare: Smooth Moves
Super Smash Bros Brawl (Gotta have that online play)

Ask for Christmas from family:

Super Mario Galaxy (Save the best for last)
MP8 (Big Partys!)

Sound like a good gameplan? I don't want to buy too many games now.

With the batch of games I will have I can wait until Christmas for the Mario games. Which are the best.
i think u should buy Galaxy as soon as its released and leave WarioWare for family present!

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