What memory cards work for the Wii?

I noticed that there are different sizes of SD cards, from what i saw anything thats 512mb or less does not fit in a wii, so i think you would be ok. the one in the link looks like the type of size that does fit in a wii too.
The different sizes meens Micro Sd Mini Sd and normal SD, im pretty positive even if its under 512 it will work, almost certain it will, im also 85% positive that the wii allows you 2 use all different sizes (Mini, Micro and normal)

However i havnt researched.
The wii SD Card slot is only for SD Card or if you have an adaptor, where you insert ur mini or micro into it and expand it to make it to make it a normal size SD card. That would also work.

By adaptor i mean...

so yeh the 1 off buy.com would work.
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guys check diss out 4 da wii stand on the memory card slot der iz a sony memory stick!!
dis wuz @ future shop
it's on da right look closly!!
hmmm.. probebrly just for showing where the card goes.

and in ninteno specs it clearly says SD Card.

The Wii console boasts 512 megabytes of internal flash memory, two USB 2.0 ports and built-in Wi-Fi capability. A bay for an SD memory card will let players expand the internal flash memory. Design was optimised with state-of-the-art processing technologies that minimise power consumption, keep the console compact and enable the "sleepless" WiiConnect24 mode.

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