What is your worst game ever played?

i'd prolly have to go with the legend of zelda ocarina of time

lol jk superman 64 i saved up my money then was so dissapointed
that game they reviewed on x-play....a long time ago. it was a third-person shooter and your all running around and crap and adam and morgan said its hard to aim because the character's arms are just flailing around like crazy. anyone know wat game im talkin about? i forgot wat is was called. u controlled this grey guy who had some wierd powers and they kept on showing him saying,"No1 can stop me now!"
miiguy said:
Or Night trap on the Sega Mega CD

No way - you must have enjoyed watching the "stars" decline in career who appeared in it!!! At the very least give it some credit for daring to be different.... then there was Sherlock 'Ohmes as well - ahhh hazy days of FMV games and absynth!!
I've played so many bad NES games that I can't remember which one was the worst. Games that tried to be the next Link or the next Dragon Warrior - and they failed miserably. Since I can't remember those I will pick Platoon for NES.

Funny, I remember ET for Atari was better than that. I guess back when all games were weak you didn't notice just how bad one is.
Noahs Ark on nes, actually any bible game my parents bought me although they are hilarious to play i hope they come out on VC! lmao

and ya superman 64 was horrrrendous!
Street fighter on the Amiga
Six buttons down to one

Double dragon on the vcs
Am I that mess of pixels or that one

Rise of the robots
Nobody has mentioned it an abomination of a fightin game
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i have two least favorites.

Glover for the N64. i was little and i thought the box was cool. i was stupid. i hated that game.

Amazing Island for the Gamecube. my sister made the same mistake i did with the cover. lmao.

like brother, like sister i guess.
universal studios did suck but what about sonic the hedgehog fo 360 and ps3 or turok evolution. brilliant originals, but the new ones suck. its a shame about that though, and yes to really think of the ultimate game that sucked is going to take alot to think about.
Darkprinny said:
Street fighter on the Amiga
Six buttons down to one

Double dragon on the vcs
Am I that mess of pixels or that one

Rise of the robots
Nobody has mentioned it an abomination of a fightin game

Street fighter on the Amiga had 8 discs if I remember, load menu, load character, load background, and attempt to fight.

Double Dragon, complete with one move, the back elbow. Terrible.

Rise of the robots was worse than Pit Fighter.
miiguy said:
Street fighter on the Amiga had 8 discs if I remember, load menu, load character, load background, and attempt to fight.

Double Dragon, complete with one move, the back elbow. Terrible.

Rise of the robots was worse than Pit Fighter.

Double dragon was good (have the pcb)
Its just the VCS version wasnt

Replayed pit fighter recently on a retro disc
kick kick kick kick win
kick kick kick exit game
I was so mad about a game called Bubba and Sticks for Sega Genesis back when I was a youngster. I actually thought Mario Kart for SNES sucked hardcore. I guess I still do, I think I would've liked it better on a handheld...Just to throw it out there...I never owned a SNES so maybe I just didn't give the appreciation the game deserves.