What is YOUR Wii Budget for Launch Day?

my woman, asked if she could buy it for me for christmas....

...but that would be i would have to wait...

...so NO WAY, buy some socks instead
i have $300 in American for the console and a classic controller and some wii points. My brother will have between $185-$325 ( my grandmas each give me and my brother between $185-$250 on our birthdays combined and his b-day his Oct. 24). my mother promised me a game.

So it'll prolly end up being something like this

Console $263
Classic Controller $21
Wii points $16 (weird how those 3 equal $300 i know)
Loz $53
Red Steel $53
Wiimote $42
Wiimote $42
Nunchuk $22
Nunchuk $22
Memory $32

Total $566

My brother needs $216
Che_Geesis said:
They won't exept pre orders at EB with the wii now due to what hapeened with the XBOX 360 shortage. So I need money for the wii I only have an N64 due to the fact I can no money ever And I cna't pre order I don't have money and all I wnat is to play the Zelda the twighlight princeess and I missed Wind waler Because I couldnt buy a game cube

Send $2.00 to 949 notre dame drive Postal code n6j 3c3
Email is Che_Geesis at hotmail.com

Please help a poor nintendo fan And I might be able to buy wiii
Thank you s all

OMG stop that, do you realise how dangerous to YOU and how annoying that is to us?

Plus, ok maybe 1 person might do it for a laugh = $2
you need 150 people for a wii

and please dont tell me that you have done this on other forums

please listen to me, this is not flaming, im not doing anything to your point of view
Ronan said:
Plus, ok maybe 1 person might do it for a laugh = $2
you need 150 people for a wii

got £300 ready for wii and accessories and games.... and i got all that money by begging on forums. ..see that 2 dollar does make a difference ater all :smilewinkgrin: :lol: only jk i got that money by working like normal people do ..:cool:
breakpoint said:
my woman, asked if she could buy it for me for christmas....

...but that would be i would have to wait...

...so NO WAY, buy some socks instead

Christmas presents are supposed to be a surprise!

So tell her to buy you something with her eyes closed.
for me it depends because my brother hasnt made up his mind yet to combine our money to buy more or for him to buy a PSP.
so without my bro is 320$
with my bro would be 540$
:frown2:$385.00 (roughly)
ok it went down :sick:

oh and the wii comes with 512 mb built in
My Wii funds are $300, and thats only if I get good grades on my report card. Right now I have 3 A's and 4 B's, and thats good enough it's self, and my grades are rising.
Hmmmm well i get £30 a week im jusing that for ma wii i will have enough by 16 of nov and so any extra will go to games ect for it!

?I expect to spend about £250 ish all together
I got about $800 I got my Wii payed off and zelda on reserve. Im gonna by a 2 gig SD, and A crud load of games and accessories.
mm lets see..

wii, with sports, and wiimote+nunchuck=(200)(have 50 already paid off)
Red steel=(50)
extra wiimote AND nunchuck=(50?-60?)*correct me on this please*
two classic controllers, if they are available on release=(40)

so i guess about..*pulls out calculator* 400

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