What is your town/city like?

My town hmmm
well its crowded really crowded
so many tourists just moved here actually
ghetto neighbor hood
graffity on the walls but if u drive like 2 miles east
u go to the rich pll neighbor hoods
but thats vegas for u
my town is quiet, im one of only 2 teenagers within a mile of my neighborhood, but its bacially your normal city, with different people, nice resturants, and downtown area is nice, and i love the city

but my hometown pittsburgh is the best city ever! i love pittsburgh:)
CantGetAWii said:
Firstly I don't need names, simply just what it is like, unless the name contributes to however good or bad it is or whatever, but really I want to know is what its like.

My town, is full of druggies, alcoholics and rapists. You name it, and really to be honest we are not even a town, merely a village :lol:

Population is about a little over 10,000 people. People here can't walk home late at night, even at 10:00 without getting into some sort of trouble, people will tell you that if you are out late you basically will get f'd up. No one messes with me though. :lol:

And we got our vandals of course, but who doesn't have those. Our music scene here is pathetic. If you look past all that, where I live can be a great place, some people are nice, the only real problem is despite the craziness that could ensue, it tends to be a bit boring here. Only a few decent looking girls in town as well :lol:, so if you want to hang out with some you usually need to go out of town to do that. Old people also like to come here for retirement for some reason, I don't even know why. I guess bad people are appealing nowadays or something. Things tend to happen, and people do disappear despite the size. When I get the chance to, I am not staying here :lol:

Well now, hows your situation?

My town is like yours. Except we only have druggies. Although my town is known for the 4 mounties that were killed by a resident. Oh and also if you look past all that, it's still a really really crappy town. But for malls theres a big one in a city near by. An hour drive. It's called West Edmonton Mall. And for those who don't know it's HUGE!

Syntax said:
My city: Vancouver, BC

For the past twelve to thirteen years I've lived here in Vancouver. From what I've heard Vancouver, BC has been ranked one of the nicest places to live and or visit in the world. Vancouver is well known for its hockey team, The Vancouver Canucks, which captured the North West Devision Title last year. However thats not all we're known for. Another well known sports team here in Vancouver is the BC Lions. Last year the BC Lions won the Grey Cup and are currently 5-2 this season I believe. Other attractions this city has to offer are its beaches, parks, golf courses, restaurants, malls, etc.

Unfortunately living in Vancouver can't always be that nice. Throughout the majority of the year it is known to rain a lot here in Vancouver. About two years ago we broke the record for consecutive days of rain with about 28 or more. However compared to some of the ongoing problems it's really not that bad. One problem Vancouver seems to be facing at the moment is a GPU strike which has lasted about four weeks already. As it stands the local Garbage Men, Community Centres along with other programs have been closed due to the strike. Finally the last problem we face is with homeless people.

I just got back from Vancouver. ( Visiting relatives) I love it there. But with the strike goin on Stanley Park was kinda crappy. I liked the weather when I was there. It wasn't super hot. And it wasn't super cold. I just wore a sweater and I was fine. As for attractions though we just went to Granville Island, The Aquarium, and The Capilano suspension bridge.
i live in the one of the smartest cities in the world, it's known as twin cities cause it's paired up with another one....

uhh there's like 2 universities here and like 2 colleges, and our town fooding's is to cater students(so we got a lot of pita places etc.)

there's this random black building in the middle of my city, i don't know much about it but supposably the smartest minds in the world is working in it

i know that bill gates and stephen hawkings visited there

we don't have a good mall really, but it's getting reservations and adding like another 200 stores
hmm.. my city is more of a "lay back and chill" place. besides the fact that there is a liquor store on every corner, prostitutes and drunk guys hanging out near those liquor stores, its a pretty place. plus, the beach is only like 20 minutes away, knotts and disney land is very nearby. its like a ghetto and a rich town combined together. :)
ZeLdA4LiFe said:
hmm.. my city is more of a "lay back and chill" place. besides the fact that there is a liquor store on every corner, prostitutes and drunk guys hanging out near those liquor stores, its a pretty place. plus, the beach is only like 20 minutes away, knotts and disney land is very nearby. its like a ghetto and a rich town combined together. :)
lol.....almost everything u said is right on the spot.....just like my town.....but there are drugys everywhere.....:lol:
wario2ooo said:
lol.....almost everything u said is right on the spot.....just like my town.....but there are drugys everywhere.....:lol:
sometimes i feel like im living in a grand theft auto game. (except for all the crack)

there is a lot of 5-O over here :)
I just got back from Vancouver. ( Visiting relatives) I love it there. But with the strike goin on Stanley Park was kinda crappy. I liked the weather when I was there. It wasn't super hot. And it wasn't super cold. I just wore a sweater and I was fine. As for attractions though we just went to Granville Island, The Aquarium, and The Capilano suspension bridge.

Sounds like you had a good time. Must say I love the Capilano Suspension Bridge. I went there for the first time last year with my family. Was quite fun. Another thing I like about living in Vancouver is that you never have to go far to get away. With Vancouver being surrounded by various islands such as Vancouver Island. They make for good day trips. Along with the local mountains (Grouse and Whistler).

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