What is your town/city like?

I just moved in to a town that is full of old people and families. Its pretty quite though i just moved in from the country and it seems really crowded to me. Not much in the way of a singles scene but the next town over is where its at. We have three malls near us, each about ten minuets away. overall i give it a not bad but not great, just ok
Meh, I live in a little town in the valleys, I hate it.

I live like two towns away from the boyf so it takes me about 2 hours and about 4 buses to get there.

There's nothing in my town, no cinemas, no game shops, no decent shops such as HMV, only local butchers and grocery stores. So if me and the boyf want to go somewhere like to the movies we got to go to the nearest city which takes ages to get too -_-, well.. not ages from his town, but from mine it does.

Another thing is my college is in the town that my boyf lives in, so I have to catch the bus at like 7:30 in the morning to get there by 9, I hate it, and then if I get like 3 hour brakes I can't just walk home I have to just go into the library or something.

Plus the buses coming back into my town finishes at like 5:40 so I can't go anywhere late. I've only been living here since January after my mother kicked me out so I don't know anybody here, and all my friends are in another town so I always miss out on stuff because I can't get there and back. =/

Plus I hate where I live, like my own house with my father, step-mother and brother, and there's another bro/sis coming in January, so I'm just counting down the weeks until I move out to go to uni. I'm going to be in the center of everything at uni so I'm going to make sure I don't miss out on anything with my mates (few are going to same uni and taking same course as me) going to make up for lost times and live the proper uni lifestyle.. party, party, party.

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