What is your opion on the new fishing in Zelda?

I only saw the clip I've seen a million times, u flick wrist, it goes out and u do the reeling motion with the nunchuk.
I have to say after I saw the demo, I will defninely being fishing for a long time. Why should I have to go on a boat on the middle of the lake, when I can play in the comfort of my room, not to mention be albe to look at those graphics for hours where is the downside lol
Legend of the river King on the Original Gameboy was so addictive
I never played any of the Link games on the gb, just oot mm and ww. That's just sad, and I call myself an LoZ fanatic...
Hey I didn't paly them until I got Oracle of seasons then I went back and played the other ones on gameboy
I LOve The FIshing! (My Mom Like To FIsh, SO This COuld Hepl Me IN My Wii Obtaination)