What is the worst injury that has happen to you?

Doesnt it seem like as kids we all get hurt by not being able to slow down until we smack something, bikes, running downhill, skates and the like all have the same effect and you can always see it coming way before it happens and youre like "oh my this is going to hurt" right before you brace yourself for impact.

Anyways on to my personal injuries, mine dont compare to some of the other people's but the worst pain Ive ever been in has to either be a bad case of erlichia I had for a week or so in high school (tick borne, caused BAD headaches and fever), or a VERY BAD sunburn that took about three weeks to heal. My worst injury in the long term though was when I slipped in the shower and wrecked my knee on the side of the bathtub. Still healing from it 6 months later.
Go-kart landed on my arm. Snapped like a twig.
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Doesnt it seem like as kids we all get hurt by not being able to slow down until we smack something, bikes, running downhill, skates and the like all have the same effect and you can always see it coming way before it happens and youre like "oh my this is going to hurt" right before you brace yourself for impact.

Anyways on to my personal injuries, mine dont compare to some of the other people's but the worst pain Ive ever been in has to either be a bad case of erlichia I had for a week or so in high school (tick borne, caused BAD headaches and fever), or a VERY BAD sunburn that took about three weeks to heal. My worst injury in the long term though was when I slipped in the shower and wrecked my knee on the side of the bathtub. Still healing from it 6 months later.

Well that is kind of true but my cousin's husband who is a grown up got 3 1/2 fingers cut off by an airplane propeler and he still plays PS2.You should see the way he holds the remote and the way he flips people off with half a middle finger.
^That must've hurt.

Oh, we're doing family members' injuries now? xD

My cousin cut the tip of his middle finger off with a bandsaw.
Grandad shaved his calf muscle with a chainsaw.
My dad:
Cut off the tip of his thumb with limb snips.
had a lawnmower blade crack his skull (while he was sharpening it)
Had about a 1m long piece of wood shoot into his leg at the crotch (almost hit his :yikes:) and come out the back of his leg near the knee.
More recently, he had to have a piece of hip bone cut out to replace a vertebrae in his neck.

My sister rammed my cousin into a backhoe with a go kart.
His legs were literally pinned between the two. At the shin. Which one broke completely by the way.

My friend was shaving his chest and shaved one of his nipples off.

My uncle fell 3 stories while building a house and landed straight on his feet. Breaking bones in both feet and crushing his ankles.

And when he was a kid he fell out of a tree and landed on his but sitting "indian style" where his arms landed on his legs, breaking both arms.

Also when my dad and my uncles were kids my dad and his twin brother played a nasty trick on my uncle Johnny, their older brother. They filled a 2 liter Coca-Cola bottle with sand and tied a rope around it. They then climbed a tree and waited for Johnny. He came zooming by on his bicycle. They threw down the Coke bottle just before Johnny reached the tree. His face went right into it. I imagine that feeling like someone just threw a brick and hit you in the face.
Well he was out cold and they thought they killed him so they ran back home and Johnny came back within a few hours.

I get told all the time how mean my dad and uncle were back in the day.

My great grandad was hit by a train. He worked on the lines, he wasn't an idiot. Apparently it wasn't necessary for people to have good hearing then, and he simply just didn't hear it. It was worse knowing that he didn't die instantly. Nobody knows anything about him, my nan was two.

His brothers, now, were in the Navy, as a lot of my family were. The two of them went to New Zealand for something, one of them stayed and fell in love with a girl, which results in my Kiwi family. His brother went back as he was supposed to, and was bombed.

There's gotta be more disgusting deaths, but they all happen to males.
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When my uncle was little and he used to live in Mexico he and my dad and my grandpa went to this guy's house and they were really bored so my uncle saw a tractor and got on it.He turned it on and it started going and one guy was next to a wall and he was getting squished up until someone turned it off.My dad said that that guy's GUTTS were coming out but he survived.And then my uncle ran away for a couple of hours so he wouldn't get hit.My grandma says that it is true.

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