what is the wii u??


WiiChat Member
Sep 15, 2011
ok so, i JUST heard about this whole "wii u" thingy, and i'm curious about what it is, just b/c well, i just heard of it, as well as the fact that we just got a brand new wii. i mean is it worth buying?? do i need to buy one?? is there any reason i should?? seriously it doesn't seem necessary to me. thanks. :D :lovewii:
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Yes, it is absolutely necessary to buy a WiiU if you plan on buying future Nintendo console games.

even though i already have a wii?? and why?? also do you have any idea how much this is gonna cost?? i hope not to much but idk, if so then walmart got layaway back and it's not coming out until march so yeah lol. and thanks! : )
You're going to need a Wii U because the Wii U is different than the Wii.

(See, this is why Nintendo shouldn't have named it the Wii U)
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You're going to need a Wii U because the Wii U is different than the Wii.

(See, this is why Nintendo shouldn't have named it the Wii U)

yeah, i noticed that but i still wasn't totally sure, see one big thing i was confused about is the fact that they keep saying "remote" on the trailer, when in reality it looks much more like a separate console, and as for the name, it's amusing yes, (but more really stupid) but, i can agree with you, they should call it something else, or at give more info about whether or not it's really needed that way ppl don't get confused about that kind of stuff, but i guess they just don't want to.
they should call it something else, or at give more info about whether or not it's really needed that way ppl don't get confused about that kind of stuff, but i guess they just don't want to.

Yep, the WiiU's name harbors the same confusion the 3DS does with it's own. Even some people who own a DS didn't know the 3DS isn't just another upgrade, and is an entirely different handheld system. :lol:

Anyways, the WiiU is the next new Nintendo console, and is not just an upgraded Wii. It will have plenty of exclusive games that won't play on the Wii. It also has a completely new, amazing controller that the Wii Remote can't even compete with.


It really does look like it's own console. :lol: If the 3DS only had a single screen, this design would probably fit the bill perfectly.

And towards your question of whether or not the WiiU is "necessary": until you exhaust your supply of enjoyable Wii games to buy (it could take you awhile, lol), I can't say you'd need to buy a WiiU. A new console should be bought because you want to buy the great new games that come with it, after all.

Hope this answers all of your questions. :)
Aye, ye speak truth. Cap'n Morgan himself would have t' pay a coffer 'n a half for one. I hanged the jib good when I first saw the price to be 'round $399 dubloons... Hornswagglin' swabs, the bunch of 'em!

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