Getting a Wii U


WiiChat Member
Aug 30, 2014
St. Paul, MN
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:wii-green:Everyone... WHY should I go to the trouble and expense to get a Wii U? Will my old Wii games work on it? And what's that little screen like Gameboy thingy? Just something to jack up the price, no doubt.

I've only had my Wii a year. I think the U's were just coming out then. Or maybe a bit before.

But is it worth the outlay? Can I use my current remotes and numchucks?

Aw, maybe I'll just wait. I'm having a hard time rationalizing the bucks.
Will my old Wii games work on it?

Can I use my current remotes and numchucks?

And what's that little screen like Gameboy thingy? Just something to jack up the price, no doubt.
The Wii U Gamepad? That's sort of like a secondary screen to use the Wii U on. It has the buttons you use to navigate the home screen, something you did with Wiimotes on the Wii. Unlike with the Wii though, the Gamepad can be used for gameplay on its own and does not require the TV. But the range that the Gamepad goes from the Wii U console itself (and therefore, the TV itself) will affect the overall functionality of it. For example, I can't take my Wii U Gamepad a foot away from my Wii U or else it'll disconnect. The Gamepad is meant to be played on when the TV is not available, but you can still use it without the TV when you want.
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Thanks alot. Just what I wanted to know. So far, I see no reason to get a Wii U. I'd never use the Gamepad as it's too small for me. Reason I got the Wii is because I could play games on my BIG TV and so see them. It would be a waste of money - to me - to have the Gamepad. If I could take it into the bedroom and play in bed before going to sleep - and this would be conditional on me SEEING anything on the small screen - then it might be a good investment. Or... like say you're at a critical point in the game and you have to go to the bathroom... The Gamepad would be cheap at any price then!
The Wii U can play on the TV screen, that's what consoles are for lol. The Gamepad acts as a controller and navigator to the Wii U, and you can't play it without it. Using the Gamepad's screen, however, is optional. If you've ever had a portable game system, you'd understand that the top screen functions for the main "game" and viewing, and the bottom for controls. (With the Wii, there is no second bottom screen so it's treated like a normal console is.) The Gamepad's screen can still be useful if you plan to play the actual game on the TV, because of its Touch Screen commands.

Also, if you take a look at a Gameboy screen, the Wii U Gamepad's isn't exactly small.
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I was taking poetic license regarding the size of the Gamepad... Everything's relative; to me it's small.

So you use the Gamepad and the remotes? Color me confused here. I want to use my Wii remotes! (whine) Actually, want a green Luigi remote...
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Tragonight, I'm not deliberately trying to be stupid - it just comes naturally. But then the Gamepad is a REMOTE for the U portion of Wii U? Color me dumber than a box o'rocks, but I don't get what's so neat about the Gamepad or why you even need it. If this is something you can explain, please do. But if you're about to pull your hair out in frustration, I understand. I do appreciate all your info and help.

More I read, more I don't think it's worth it. Getting a U. Unless that Gamepad is over the moon.
I am not implying anything offensive and I apologize if my explanations don't explain well.

If you want to play the Wii U and Wii U games, you must use the Gamepad. If you want to play Wii games on the Wii U, you can use Wii remotes.
There should be some Wii U games out there where you can use the Wii remotes on, like Super Smash Bros. 4 (where I can't imagine Nintendo disabling use of Wii remotes / Wii remotes with Nunchucks) but for the single one that I've played (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD), I've had to use the Gamepad the entire time. I might be wrong though, there probably was a Wii remote option somewhere in the game that I don't recall.
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Tragonight you are doing nothing offensive to me and your explinations are fine. I'm just having a tough time wrapping my Wii mind (Get it?! LOL! "Wee mind.") around that Gamepad. It sounds superflous to the max. I doubt I'd ever (Never say "never.") use the screen. And since that's about the only difference, then I don't need a Wii U.

Bet that 'U' stands for "Un-needed."

And I appreciate your time, effort and energy you've afforded me. Thanks!
Chompy go to youtube and put in review wiiu steup willu and any others you can think of I done this and it answered all of my questions. and I want one. and I have a wii mind too. :lol:
:wii-green:Everyone... WHY should I go to the trouble and expense to get a Wii U?

Far as I'm concerned, there's only one truly absolute reason why anyone should ever purchase a video game console: the games.

I personally have purchased a Wii U for the (yet to be released) exclusive titles Nintendo is so infamous for. Mario, Zelda, Smash Bros., mayhaps Pokemon... as well as any other top-class games that may fall into my collection as a unexpected bonus, like Bayonetta 2.

Mind you, though the games I crave have yet to be released, other games have kept me more than occupied these past two years. My U has not been gatherin' dust, thankfully. Whereas my Wii sadly has been.

And what's that little screen like Gameboy thingy?

As Tragonight has touched upon, it is the Wii U's unique controller. It is designed moreso as a traditional controller, meant for focus on pressing buttons and using analogue sticks as a means to control a game, in contrast to the Wii's mainly motion-based controls. However, the gamepad also functions as an additional screen to display information the TV screen does not. Combined with the controller's screen being a touch screen, this is the Wii U's twist on typical button-based controllers. All of these unique properties of the controller can drastically change how some video games are played, just as the Wii Remote did.

For the sake of clearin' up any confusion remainin' from the earlier discussion, Wii U games can only be played with the Wii U controller, as the games in question were designed to use the numerous buttons and touch screen the Wii Remote lacks... with some exceptions. Certain games are Wii Remote compatible, such as Mario Kart 8. In addition to this, "local", in-real-life multiplayer games tend to use one Gamepad for a single player and Wii Remotes for other players.

But is it worth the outlay?

Absolutely... if you want the new games.

The Wii U is to the Wii as the Playstation 4 is to the Playstation 3: a wholly new product with new features, new games, and highly upgraded technology on the inside, allowing these new games to surpass their predecessors in many aspects. It's the future of Nintendo, just as the Wii once was.

'Course, you've not had your Wii for over half a decade like some'a us. The purchase of a U is worth it for us so we can get access t' new games, but you've still plenty of regular ol' Wii games to purchase and play. If none of the games on that list I linked earlier scream to ya as "must-buys" ASAP, you can happily save a U purchase for later. Perhaps never if your Wii won't ever cease to entertain ya.

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