What is the Wii price currently?

I've seen some in stores near me going for $250 as well.

The bundles are going for $310 in some places.
I remember back in December while I was searching for a Wii, I saw a shop that was selling it for $350, just the console, nothing else. Typical, but the funny thing is a week later when I went back to the same shop, they had it priced at $300. Not selling? :lol:

They go for $250 MSRP, and that's the most anyone should pay for one.
MSRP for 250... if you pay more than MSRP then you got ripped off or you wanted one a litttlllleeeee to bad
A lot of people sure do take advantage of christmas. Over in the uk the prices are still £200 - with game, £180 alone
Holy Cow!

The recommended retail price in Australia is $AU399 but in K-Mart, Target and Big-W (Major discount department stores), they are selling them stand-alone for $359. The price is going down over here. And its not like they are having trouble selling them, there's never any in stores.
i paid 250 today for one at target. was the last one in the back. giving it as a christmas gift.:ihih:

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