What is that little strip?

Yea because if you get 2, then the whole remote will get messed up with the signals and stuff.
It doesnt make much sense if i have a really small TV or a massive widescreen, does that mean i need a longer or shorter sensor bar? i dont think its really needed, or actually true, can someone please put a link to the site.

theres never been a need for sensor bars with light guns but i guess they dont really accept input. aka no rumble or sound. but then again thats done by wireless
imahawki said:
Most unlikely. My guess is you do a calibration like you do with a palm pilot that define the boundaries of the screen.
is wht i thought, also if true will mean no need for 2 sensor bars ;)
Does anyone know more about the adhesive? Will it wear out if continuously stuck on and taken off surfaces? Will a wireless motion bar eventually be made?

no one can really say as it hasn't been released yet, but if i had to guess based on past experience with adhesives they are mostly a one time deal.

if i wanted removability i'd invest in some velcro, but then you'd have a strip of velcro on your tv and it may look better to just leave the bar there
phimuajedi69 said:
no one can really say as it hasn't been released yet, but if i had to guess based on past experience with adhesives they are mostly a one time deal.

if i wanted removability i'd invest in some velcro, but then you'd have a strip of velcro on your tv and it may look better to just leave the bar there
But im always on the move. I heard it only needs to be placed parrallell to the TV screen, so if the floor is straight, it can be on the floor.
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I'm not even sure ijt sticks on to your tv. did any one actually confirm that it goes on your tv.
struss789 said:
I'm not even sure ijt sticks on to your tv. did any one actually confirm that it goes on your tv.
It doesn't. It has to go parrallell with it, so t its on top its probably parrallell unless the TV has a curved top.
As for the USB argument, that plug looks very much like a GCN controller plug to me.
for the 1 vs. 2 sensor bars, I think it could go either way. The controller would not be messed up by two signals at once (look at a touch tone phone, sometime go along and press all the numbers in order across the rows and down the columns, it uses a grid system of pitches, there is one pitch for each row and another for each column, when combined they form the chord of the number).
I have no theories about the adhesive, but I hope that it'll be removable. What if we want to take our Wii to a friend's house?
There will probably only be one size of sensor bar available. I think that it will have a process similar to the DS for calibrating the screen (for non-DS owners, to calibrate the screen it shows a red crosshair on the screen, you touch it as precisely as possible, then it moves. This repeats 3 times). You will probably point to the dots on the TV, but I don't know if it will do this each time you start up or if you will have to fumble to the menu when you move it to a different TV.
Hi there... new member new opinion.

I think that a single bar can take the signal of the 4 players at once I`m not sure about it of course but I hope so `cause it`ll be really messy to be carrying that bar every time that you wanna have a multiplayer game.
imahawki said:
Most unlikely. My guess is you do a calibration like you do with a palm pilot that define the boundaries of the screen.

no you wouldnt need callibrate the bar just tells where the remote is the cursor know when it is at the end of the screen just like you dont need to callibrate the mouse on your computer it just stopes on the end of the screen

also you only need one it call tell how far up or down or how left or right

and you arent pointing at the screen you are pointing at the bar and you just pretend that it is the screen you know what i mean

so it could be anywhere infront of you as long as you are keeping track at what you are pointing at

it is very simple to understand but im trying to think of somthing to compare it too.



it is like when the weather man isnt really pointing at the little screen off to the side when he is showing storms and crap he is pointing at the green screen and is looking at the little one to show where his hands should be

i would expect weather men would be quite good at controlling the wii!
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Fierce Deity said:
no you wouldnt need callibrate the bar just tells where the remote is the cursor know when it is at the end of the screen just like you dont need to callibrate the mouse on your computer it just stopes on the end of the screen

also you only need one it call tell how far up or down or how left or right

and you arent pointing at the screen you are pointing at the bar and you just pretend that it is the screen you know what i mean

so it could be anywhere infront of you as long as you are keeping track at what you are pointing at

This is true about the bar being anywhere in front of you, but I disagree about the calibration. The reason you don't have to calibrate your mouse is because the pointer and the graphics are comming from the same source, your video card. However, with the Wii, the graphics will be coming from the Wii, while the pointer is comming from your hand. For a comparison, it's like you were to lay your monitor down and use the mouse on top of it. You would have to set it up to where the pointer was under the mouse all the time.
registerednerd said:
This is true about the bar being anywhere in front of you, but I disagree about the calibration. The reason you don't have to calibrate your mouse is because the pointer and the graphics are comming from the same source, your video card. However, with the Wii, the graphics will be coming from the Wii, while the pointer is comming from your hand. For a comparison, it's like you were to lay your monitor down and use the mouse on top of it. You would have to set it up to where the pointer was under the mouse all the time.

yeah i understand what you are saying but if you read what i said about the weather man you arnt pointing at the screen with the wee you are pointing at the bar

but you would be 100% right if you were pointing at the screeen

i got what i said in the original post from reading people's reactions whent hey tryed it at e3
registerednerd said:
As for the USB argument, that plug looks very much like a GCN controller plug to me.
for the 1 vs. 2 sensor bars, I think it could go either way.

if you look at the back [of the wii] there is an orange port labeled sensor bar

so that kills 2 birds with one stone becuase that means that there is only one sensor bar per console and it shows it has its own port

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