What is love to you?

In my opinion love is being attracted to your significant others psychical and intellectual qualities. Just my opinion.
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  • #157
In my opinion love is being attracted to your significant others psychical and intellectual qualities. Just my opinion.

I have no idea on what you just said....
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  • #161
I'm sorry to say but, looks is what makes me want to go and meet/talk to someone.

I would oo that but my shyness is on another level and if a very sexy girl were to ask me out (If I wasn't taken already but I'm happy I have the right person) I would be speechless to afraid to say yes even if I wanted to.
yeah im shy as well but i dont let it conquer me the only reason that most of us are shy is beacuse we dont want to make ourselves look like idiots/or we cant guess on there answer
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  • #165
that's why I don't say anything when it comes to a sexy girl coming up to a girl unless well you know being someone that your not just to get them to like you. You should ask yourself that is the person she sees in you really you or just a fake?

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