What is it about Resident Evil that damages Wiis?

i have re4 also and have been playing like a madwoman. no problems, but i also have a cooling fan....
We borrowed RE4 from a friend and played it most of the day without any problems. Now weeks later we pop in Ghost Squad and after playing that for a while, we now have the green pixel problem. Its apparent in all the games we play now. Very annoying. I'm also wondering how many people have this problem and don't actually know it. We mostly play on our 47" regular definition tv. Hard to see it there but its there. But when we move the wii downstairs and play in our home theater room on the 90" high def tv you can see it big time. I have emailed nintendo about the problem and they asked me to call today after 6am pacific time. I would think it might be an overheating problem and just a coincidence what game was in the wii at the time. I have also heard it could be a bad power cord. I'll let you know after I talk to them.
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Folks, it is not RE4 that is causing the problem. The symptoms described on this thread are due to an overheated GPU. I experienced the same when playing RE4 but quickly realized it was this way in other games that had fog and smoke effects. The problem is caused because of heat generated by the unit in standby mode. While in standby mode the WiFi is generating heat but the fan is not running. This can be prevented by holding the power button for 5 seconds until it is red and thus completely powering down the unit.
I called nintendo and they sent be a replacement unit in about 3 days and I just returned the defective one. Apparently this is a pretty widespread problem, why nintendo has not issued warnings I cannot understand.
Resident evil 4 was the FIRST game I bought for Wii and it stays in my console 24/7 and I play the HELL out of it (beat it 17 times in 4 months) and even when im not playing it the Wii loads the disc when you go to the menu everytime.

no problems at all here so it CANT be RE4 because if it was it would have happend to me by now the way I play that game.
Okay boys and girls... Here we go... Got Intec cooling station. Got RE4: Wii Ed.... Play up to 5 hours a day... No problem.. Moral of the story... go buy a intec cooling station.

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