what is best mAh for wiimote?


WiiChat Member
Jun 12, 2007
hi, im no expert on rechargeable batteries, but after one hour of researching NiMH batteries on the web, I've decided to get Hybrio NiMH batteries (i already got a quick charger). however i can make out from the technical speeches that Hybrio's 800 mAh, while good for long-lasting, will not output as much energy as, say 2500 mAh (which i have but they are screwed due to my former lack of battery knowledge).
So I'm wondering if Hybrios will be best suited batteries for the Wii-mote... or should i get somewhere near 2300,2500,2700...

and if you can't answer, well it would still help very much if you told me what brand and mAh NiMH batteries you're using...
please dont mention the Nyko Wii Station btw, or any other wii-specific recharging station;

edit: It's not 800, those r for the AAA size, the AA Hybrios are 2100- I gotta get my facts straight @_@
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I am using various brands (Panasonic, Duracell, Digital, Harbor Freight) NiMH batteries rated 2000-2500mAh. Any of them last for around 1 week (~15 hours of gaming).
Generally speaking the higher the better, simple as that. It's just a measure of how much juice it holds. Do you want a 3 gallon gas tank, a 30 gallon tank or a 300 gallon one?
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hmmm =/ well im guessing by what ZiG is saying is get 2500 then ^_^
ill just get Sanyo since they're the only type I know...
i kinda prefer industrial grade things-where can i get those?

edit: i forgot! i saw Sanyo's Eneloop and they are at 2000, so i'm guessing they are sufficiently powerful but are long-lasting... ill get those, thnx for ur help =)
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Yeah, well generally a battery is a battery. I have upgraded batteries I bought on ebay for both my phone and my palm pilot and they work just fine, and I have charged and recharged them more times than I can count, with no problems as of yet.
I have 2700mAH batteries for my controls that I use. Can't remember what brand. They run fine and usually last about a week or more of gaming for most games - the only exception is Transformers, which they only seem to last about two days which is weird, but ... *shrug* :wtf: .
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ill go w/ Hybrio; if Billcsho is really using mAh ranging from 2000, then 2100 should be good.
I'm just wondering what Nyko's rechargeable battery pack's is....
they work good, and if i can find out their number, i can buy batteries based off those.
Its weird, i cant find Nyko's Wii nAh on their website, their station, or even on the batteries themselves o_O

edit: i didnt get hybrios and instead went to Rite Aid and got Duracell mAh 2050. i dont play my wii often, just perhaps an hour everyday, so this should suit me just fine
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