What has Wii done for Mii?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Wii has been on sale for just over a year now. It landed in the UK last December (8) but one year later it's still just as hard to track down in the shops.

There's no doubt that Wii has had a successful year for Nintendo, having not only trashed PS3 sales - six-to-one at some points - but also having caught up with and surpassed Xbox 360 in global sales, which had a full year head start.

This success is put down to Nintendo's notion of appealing to everyone, and its success in expanding the games market by turning people who'd previously never bought a console into a new type of gamer. 13 million console sales later and it's clearly been a good plan.

This new appeal is thanks to Nintendo's approach with games. Wii Sports kicked off the Wii generation brilliantly. It showcased the motion-sensing capabilities perfectly while providing five quirky and addictive mini-games that everyone from your granny to your dog could play.

Since then we've had games like Cooking Mama, Big Brain Academy, Rayman Raving Rabbids, MySims and a huge list of movie-licensed titles that have continued the mainstream-focused charge for Wii.

That's great - if you've just discovered games - but what about us? The hardcore that've been at Nintendo's side through the dark days of GameCube? Has it been a good year for us? For the gamers that don't care for training our brains, or playing cooking simulators?

Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption are the only two Wii-exclusive triple-A games in its first year for the hardcore crowd. Granted, they're incredible games - MP3 is one of the best in the series, and Mario Galaxy is some of Miyamoto's best work ever.

Count in Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (which also released on GameCube) and that's three must-buy games... in a year.

The rest of the year was crammed with rushed, half-assed ports of PS2 games and motion control boob-jobs as publishers scrambled to get on the wagon with the top-selling console.

This meant that there was little reason for a hardcore gamer to turn on their Wii between finishing Zelda back in December '06 and getting Metroid in October '07. That's a lot of dust-gathering.

You might have flirted with the idea of buying Super Paper Mario, or Trauma Centre - both decent titles, but nothing to go bananas about. But it was easy for a Wii owner to look with envious eyes at other platforms and their lists of quality games, particularly on Xbox 360.

It's no wonder that the question of Nintendo abandoning the hardcore has been topic of many discussions, as the company constantly nails home its efforts to win over our mums and dads.

Nintendo says it isn't abandoning anyone, but the fact remains that the company previously dedicated to making top-class games for its fans now has other things on its minds. The fact that dust really did gather on our Wiis this year is evidence of that.

2008 could be better though. Third party developers should be getting over the initial teething problems with the motion controls, so we should hopefully see much better results from them.

Mario Kart and Smash Bros. Brawl are on their way from Nintendo and should already be on your must-have list. The Wii Zapper hits UK stores next year, followed by what we hope will be a run of ace arcade-style shooters, starting with Ghost Squad.

Super Mario Galaxy has set a new standard on the graphical front. We're hoping it'll be a wake-up call to other developers who haven't figured out how to get the most out of the microchips.

And what other surprises could Nintendo have for us? Animal Crossing? Wave Race? The long-awaited return of Pilotwings? Pikmin 3 (would be perfect for Wii)? Fingers crossed we'll get all four of these, and some more...


2008 is already looking like a better year for the Wii than 07.
Hopefully we do see some good "surprises" along with what we already know about.
Even with games as "great" as Super Mario Galaxy, it's obvious that Nintendo is gearing even those serious titles towards new gamers. 08' is definitely looking better, however, and I can't wait.

Nice article.
I don't understand this fear that Nintendo will ruin the gaming industry by apealing to "nongamers" and "casuals." I though the aim of any company that sells some sort of product or service, was to draw in new costomers?

Why wasn't this outcry so loud when the psone came out? Didnt both the psone and pstwo make videogames more mainstrean? Did both not actualy EXPAND the gaming audance? I'm confused. What is the wii doing that these others didn't do?

And this thing about "hardcore" sticking to Nintendo through the game cube years? Yeah right. Selling 20 million consoles in 6 years is something huh? Nintendo got the snot beat outta it for two consecutive generations, it being left miles behind it's compitition as so called "Hardcore" Players abandoned it for the psone and the pstwo. I don't understand this resentment like Nintendo betrayed "us." I mean, who left who?

Nintendo did what it had to to to survive. It came down to think of something esle or toss the towel.

The article meantions the halfassed ports and such; like who's fault is that? It seems that they are blaming Nintendo for what third parties do.

And my last question is :Why are people ascribing so much power to Nintendo to the point that it and the wii could actualy RUIN gaming as we know it?
hmm this article is full of opinions and no facts, which could be good, but i don't share the opinions and it seems too biased . I had more fun with mario strikers charged than i did with mp3 or twilight princess (although i still enjoyed them both a lot!)

and why didn't he count twilight princess as a full out wii game, just because it's appeared on two consoles, dosn't mean it's not a wii game.

I think this person dosn't own a wii/many games, i have 20ish and i could honestly say 2007 was a great year, especially since wii just came out late 2006, 2008 looks even better
still waiting for MOHH2 to come to aus shores let alone the other games due out in 08!
I have to agree with Brawny. 2007 was an excellent year for games, in my opinion, so I am definitely looking forward to 2008.
Anyway, thanks for the info.
yeah cant wait for 07 not only for wii but for ds too

its hard to belevie nintendo was struggling with the gamecube at one point :)
No More heroes (Pre Ordered)
MOH Heroes 2 (Pre Ordered)
Battalion Wars 2 (Pre Ordered)

Now that's some start to the year...

Also Mushroom Men looks kinda cool... You'll have to google it cos I cant' be bothered to get the link for it. (LOL)

RED Steel 2... Fingers crossed Ubisoft get it right this time, Crisis: Day of Disaster, just some games which could be good!
Honestly, those who complain of a lack of games either have too much time or money on their hands, or are not looking hard enough. Some of the games I can list off the top of my head not mentioned in the article:

  • Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock
  • Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
  • Resident Evil 4
  • Zack & Wiki Quest for Barbaros’ Treasure
  • SSX Blur
  • Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party
  • Excite Truck
  • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • Nights: Journey of Dreams
  • Battalion Wars 2
And many more. Granted, some of these are ports. But they are not rushed, half-assed, motion control boob-jobs.

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