What happened to just being a Gamer?

welllllll one reason people like more consoles than others is obviously because of the games on one of the systems alone. (halo 3, zelda etc.) but alsooooo alot of people cant really get their hands on more than one console so then they just stick with what they get. i personally am not a fanboy, and the majority of games i get i play them to the absolute max. so im still a gamer per say.
eh....im a gamer...i still play the fighting games on ps2 and on neo geo....like king of fighters, street fighter, marvel vs capcom, etc.
Yeah classic games are some of the most fun, back when developers were limited to creating new ideas not just making better grafix.
Personally i like my 360 more than my wii, but thats just me. I don't get into the wii games quite as much, but they still tend to be fun for short periods of time. I know i will prolly get bashed for saying such a thing, but as a mature gamer the 360 just has more to offer my age group at this point in my life.
I will tell you when the fanboyism started, when the internet became popular and commonly used amongst gamers! Seriously, without the internet people wouldnt be fighting over wich console is better as much.
EDIT: AAH Poo, SensesFail was earlier than me :( :p
It happened because of the internet.

The fanboy'ism is something of all age's, but today its more present than in the "old" days. In the old days only a few people had a console. Maybe not even you but a kid you knew in class.

You where spyched about going to his house and play his n64. But there was this other kid in class who had a playstation. He would say: n64 sucks and stuff like that.

But now you go online to forums where tons of people are, and everyone has an oppinion about consolse and wich sucks or not. On the internet its much easier to spread you're oppinion than it was before. Even in topics that arent even meant to discuss wich is the best, true fanboys will just say wich console they like ( or game for that metter ) So as a console owner ( or fanboy ) you get to see a lot more fanboys from the other side.

But you displayed some fanboy'ism as well Daviduk200 so its kinda strange that you "worrie" about this. ;)
Oh my god! "Fanboyism" or better called opinions have ALWAYS been around. Gah if there were no arguments or conflict here... I'd have to blow my brains out. Also not everyone has enough money for all of the consoles you lucky SOB.
People want to feel secure about what they have so they'll beat on everything else to make their possesions look better. Some people have that complex. :\
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yay im getting my PS3 , i ordered it a few days ago so should be here soomn, so ill be able to play all games.

and yeah monster i agree with what your saying there
well your dream of one mega console almost become a reality when the game cube fail to all the expectatives and nintendo almost when out of the console business, but thaks to the Wii, nintendo is back on the console business, and now not only we have to buy it but also buy the competitors products, now let's be honest to ourselves and realize that nintendo has always target the younger gamer, sony and the Xbox really rely on the old gamers, remember that most of old gamer were once atari then Nintendo, sony and xbox just continue to satisfy the demand for the old gamers.
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yeah well honestly i blam e xbox for most of these people not playing games for games.


i mean i have a few friends with 360's and when they are choosing games, they base it on , how easyto get, and whether or not it has, achievments,

if a game doesnt have achievments they wont get it no matter how great it is, this really takes away from their gaming experience as they play for achievments to show off,

i personally would love achievments, but still wouldnt play for only them, who else?

ps i have all 3 co nsoles now :)
I wouldn't call myself a fanboy, but I do have my likes and dislikes of every console. Most of them are on the Wii sadly enough.
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wow i know this is off topic and random but me and you have almost same number of posts lol

EDIT: but you were on since December wow thats nearly a year, Congrats compared to u im a noob lol
Im called a "Not arsed about the console I just like good games" type gamer
Or NAATCIJLGG for short

The ones that call you a fanboy tend to like one console as well

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